William Thien

Archive for March 2020

It is good that steps were taken by The US early on to prevent the spread of Corona Virus, steps such as a ban on travel from China. I think such efforts will lead to a return to routine lifestyles and improving economic activity sooner than later. There is clearly a lot of cooperation within the government at all levels along with industry.

I think we should do this more often, minus the virus. Not so much as shut everything down but simply stop normal production for a period of a week or so. Here is why. I live near a watershed, a large area of tall marsh grasses and vegetation that a river runs through. It is a travel route for all kinds of animals with birds in particular and they are in there making more noise than I ‘ve ever heard them make in several years. There are flocks of birds everywhere.

The drop in the combustion of fossil fuels that has resulted from the decrease in travel and commuting has cleared the air of a lot of pollution. I think the animals recognize the improvement in the air quality and perhaps the drop in human activity and they are as a result very active. I walk along the river and jog there and I have never heard it this active. Geese, water birds, ducks, song birds are flying in various flocks.

There seems to be an awful lot of the dramatization of events in the media concerning things that are happening with the Corona Virus and I hope policy is not being determined by media sensationalism, such as the government over-reacting to something based on what they think the public is thinking based on a story that has been dramatized, media dramatizations skewing government responses, particularly in a negative manner.

So I think there is something to learn from that. If the timing was planned, sort of like a vacation for everyone, it could be like a vacation for the planet as well. Wherever you were at that time, you had to stay there and wait for the seven days to be up and then normal travel would resume, you could get on a plane and fly home if you were somewhere else, vacationing or maybe work related, and things would start right back up again.

Yeah Bill, that’ll go over just great.

Just sayin’, that’s all. Just sayin’.

Copyright © William Thien 2020

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You know what I don’t get, when the price of oil goes up, USPS, FedEx, and UPS all claim they need to raise rates. And boy do they!

But when the price of oil goes down, way down, like recently, USPS, FedEx, and UPS rates don’t go back down, do they?

It’s not like all of their major inputs, resources, go up in price. Their primary cost aside from labor is fuel. So, it is understandable for them to raise rates when fuel goes up in price. But when they raise rates when fuel costs go down, such as during this Corona Virus Pandemic, well then you have to question how genuine they really are.

Not even do USPS’s rates go down. That’s your good ole quasi-government agency for you bilking the consumer. $80 to return a package that weighs 7lbs and has dimensions of 24/14/14. Ridiculous. Greed. US Postal service greed. I look forward to the day when they all use electric vehicles so we don’t have to put up with the fossil fuel system of greed and bs. It should lend stability to the economy and the two-bit no-talent management screams around the world about the cost of oil can be done away with so real, talented managers can run the businesses profitably instead of relying on Saudi Arabia and OPEC to screw the American consumer for them.

Copyright © William Thien 2020

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Biden’s delegate lead isn’t the result of a majority of voters favoring his platform. Party politics (party bosses) merely intervened and told several candidates to get out of the race “now” (did you see that, they all bowed out within 24hrs) and those candidates were told to endorse Biden so that their supporters would be forced into Biden’s camp when prior, most probably would not have voted for Biden.

Biden is now in the lead because of party machinations, not because the public wants to vote for him.

If I could liken it to anything you might come across in real life, to me it is the classic bait and switch as enacted by The Democratic Party. You see an ad, go to the store, and find out that the product in the ad isn’t the same piece of you-know-what that’s in the store.

Originally, the democratic debate stage was full of candidates with completely disparate positions and platforms on a large number of issues. The debates themselves were lively and full of ideas that ran the full spectrum of political belief. Biden seemed to be the only candidate without any new ideas or profound solutions to the country’s problems. AND he was losing all of the debates and caucuses.

But suddenly now we are supposed to believe/accept he is in the lead? What gives? And you were worried about the Russians meddling in US elections.

Now that the party has told the other candidates to bow out, Biden is the de facto leader when there were other candidates with a solid lead prior. Not that I favor all of the other candidates compared to Biden, but that is what just happened, practically overnight. Practically overnight half of the country’s voting population just re-evaluated its entire belief system we are to accept. Yeah, right.

What just happened is the absence of democracy. We are living in a vacuum of democracy today.

Or, “How modern party politics has signified the end of democratic participation.”

Copyright © William Thien 2020

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