William Thien

Archive for August 2019

We have the same cameras here. You’ll see them in particular at intersections. I do not know to what extent the software and operating systems capture your information and the media does not look into it for some reason. Sometimes, when I’m sitting there wondering why I am waiting so long at the light and there is no traffic at all moving crosswise, I flip the camera the bird. Or when I am stopped at every intersection as I move along alone on the road in the very early morning and it feels like my progress is being slowed for some reason, I flip the camera the bird. I’m sure they have a file on me.


Copyright © William Thien 2019

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I believe there is a valid form and history to the feminist movement but that there is a flaw in contemporary feminism. From my perspective and experiences, contemporary feminism is uncivilized.

Contemporary feminism is uncivilized because contemporary feminism does not police itself.

Today feminism is an uncontrolled form of media-incited mass hysteria.

Contemporary feminism is reactionary.

The objective of contemporary feminism is to lash out.

Almost all of my experiences lead me to conclude that there is a mantra in contemporary feminism. All that I see on display in the media, in news stories involving feminism of any extent is that there is indeed a mantra.

That mantra is: use what you got to get what you want. It is use what you got to get what you want followed by the common but perhaps silent affirmation, “You go girl!”

It does not matter whose life is destroyed. No man is safe from the hysteria. It is often unity for the sake of gain, not for the sake of what is right. False accusations are tools of advancement. Political parties parade contemporary feminists in front of the camera to get votes. The entire country must endure every trial and tribulation in the mass media of contemporary feminism. Mole hills are turned into mountains. Contemporary feminism is, get even with any man whether he is innocent or not.

It is vengeance unchecked. Contemporary feminism IS uncivilized.

Contemporary feminism is socially destructive.

Contemporary feminism is, all men are the same.

Contemporary feminism is, we can do anything men can do and do it better, until it comes time to dig ditches under the hot sun with a hand shovel and then contemporary feminism is a Cheshire grin slinking away and suggesting “My what big biceps you men have.”

Contemporary feminism is a shrieking, raging beast cloaked in mass victimization.

Contemporary feminism is provocative.

Contemporary feminism is explicit displays of femininity.

Contemporary feminism is the temptress who then claims to be the victim.

Contemporary feminism is a fashion statement.

Contemporary feminism is a shrewd corporate marketing campaign.

Contemporary feminism is good for ratings.

Contemporary feminism is a right of passage.

Contemporary feminism is, I’m daddy’s little girl, even though I’m 30 and I ought to know better.

Contemporary feminism is often a cleverly designed trap.

Contemporary feminism is a poisonous militancy.

Contemporary feminism is, shout all at once and let no man be heard above it and defend himself from the common rage of womanhood. And make sure there are cameras there.

Contemporary feminism is guilty until proven innocent.

Contemporary feminism is totalitarian.

Ultimately to me though the reason contemporary feminism is uncivilized is because contemporary feminism does not police itself. It refuses.

When I discuss why I think contemporary feminism is uncivilized with an avowed feminist, though of a different generation, she agrees with me. And she tells me her definitions of what a true feminist is. They are different than that of a contemporary feminist. I am made to know that.

But when I say I believe feminism is in danger of delegitimizing itself because feminism does not police itself, she raises her voice and her response is that it would be impossible!

The avowed feminist refuses, vehemently refuses to believe any attempt to police contemporary feminism by a feminist would work. She utterly refuses. This to me indicates I am correct in the matter. It is her resistance to even make any attempt to solve a problem to which she agrees exists that proves my point. I do not mean to indict her here, but there is a clear indication in her response of what I describe. It is impossible! for us to police ourselves. Impossible!

Contemporary feminism is out of control.

Contemporary feminism is a refusal of feminist leadership to control its ranks, to even make an attempt to control its ranks.

When I respond with “well what if there were a strong female in the national spotlight who recognized that the feminist movement of today was an irresponsible, anti-social and socially destructive movement and she became the standard bearer for contemporary feminism?” the avowed feminist tries to steer the conversation immediately away from the idea of such a potential feminist leader, as if such a solution would put an end to the slaughter wrought by contemporary feminism upon the national psyche, or such a woman does not and could not, must not ever exist, or were she to arrive in such a world she would immediately be exiled by contemporary feminists everywhere. Impossible! Impossible! No! The fear that such a female standard bearer of feminism could exist is evident in even the avowed feminist’s voice. Ah yes, there it is, a clearly evident and common thread in the feminism of then and contemporary feminism.

This revelation of the avowed feminist that such a solution to police contemporary feminism by feminists themselves would be “impossible!” of course would suggest to me that all feminism is illegitimate were I not to in fact believe that there is a certain legitimacy already in feminism given its historical context and objectives.

But we are talking here of “contemporary feminism,” something men are forbidden to even ruminate upon! It is forbidden! What I am doing here, it is not allowed. Even though it involves defining the behavior more often than not of men, only women can be involved in such a definition. Who dare allow men to get involved!? All the while there is an open season advertised daily in the mass media on masculinity.

So why then don’t contemporary feminists police themselves and their behavior? What is there to lose in the legitimacy of self-control?

When I say that men, though clearly not perfect (all feminists are by default perfect you are to know, by the way), men do a pretty good job of keeping themselves in check and their latitude for what once was considered masculine behavior is increasingly diminished by feminism, along with the support of a pandering mass media whose advertisers want the female’s discretionary income. Well, the feminist suggests, that is excusable.

Contemporary feminism is a plainly evident double standard.

Contemporary feminism IS indeed uncivilized. It is uncivilized because it refuses to police itself. Feminism is not a movement any longer, it is a psychological aberration en masse. It is a derivation of collectivism, sponsored by corporatism.

Contemporary feminism is a form of mass psychological transference.

Contemporary feminism is, if one woman has a feeling about something or someone, a man perhaps, all other women must share that identical feeling and all men are equally guilty by default.

Contemporary feminism is a forced thought process. It is an offshoot of socialism. It is a communist re-education camp run and populated by one sex.

Contemporary feminism is a bestial, stampeding herd.

It is unchecked sexism in the reverse, where when men often lock each other up for such anti-social transgressions, women reward themselves.

You go girl! Or you get even. It is your duty. Let no man be safe from contemporary feminism.

Contemporary feminism is uncivilized.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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I will not watch professional sports because marijuana is a banned substance and I don’t believe marijuana should be a banned substance.

Eleven states now allow adult recreational marijuana usage and 33 have legalized medical marijuana usage and those numbers are growing rapidly.

When 90 percent of the country’s population now has access to some form of legalized marijuana usage, I think it is unconscionable that professional sports still bans marijuana usage and attempts to act as an example for the public on the matter, the result of which is large numbers of citizens being locked up for non-violent drug offenses at a huge cost to the tax payer, not to mention the related fines (taxes) and other completely ridiculous regulations over marijuana. Professional sports is THE Judas goat on the matter, if you ask me, misleading the public.

It has nothing to do with the players or coaches, it is a league thing.

College sports and other intramural sports are another matter that involves adolescents and the situation should be up to the parents and related organizations. As much as it pains me to forego watching the Milwaukee Brewers or The Arizona Diamondbacks swing the bat, the over regulation of adult consensual behavior by professional sports regarding marijuana disqualifies them as a form of entertainment for me.

So, I do not watch professional sports because marijuana is a banned substance and I don’t believe marijuana should be a banned substance.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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If the stock market is having serious problems with Trump’s tariffs on Chinese made imports, that tells you something.

What does it tell you? It tells you that publicly traded US companies that rely solely for their profit margins on products made in China may be good for the investor but may not be so good for the country and the American worker.

I am one of those people who believe the internet bubble was brought on by big American tech, something they don’t want you to know. When the internet was becoming a massively driving economic force here in The US, what did the biggest tech companies do? They offshored to India for tech and customer support and to China for manufacturing to increase their profit margins. You remember having to call for tech support and somebody from India answering the phone? And you asked them, “where are you?” And they replied, “I am in India, sir.” You remember that?

All of those jobs immediately left the country in less than a year’s time and suddenly the internet bubble burst. Big tech caused it. Just like that! Pop! Big tech brought on the internet bubble through greed even though greed might be a good thing as many economists believe. In this case, though, they screwed the world’s largest market, The US. Duh!

The same thing is happening with the rest of the economy, now.

If the stock market is plummeting because of Trump’s tariffs on Chinese imports, that tells you something, doesn’t it?

Should producers have the right to offshore? Probably. Is it the best plan in the long run? What do you think? Look at them now. They are right at the edge all bunched up next to each other trying not to be the first to go over the edge while the ground is giving way, giving way because of greed. Greed indeed might be a good thing as many economists believe. But misplaced, the consequences can be severe. Putting all your eggs in a Chinese made Easter basket (check that label, that basket was probably made in China. See, I told you so) doesn’t seem to have been the best bet, does it now?

Check the label.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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The overwhelming support for the legalization of marijuana as well as the rapidly expanding national movement to legalize marijuana for adult use at the state level indicates that whatever party that supports the legalization of marijuana nationally will win the next presidential election. As a “single” issue for voters, the legalization of marijuana will supersede the other two major single issues of abortion and gun rights.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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I think Trump is well within his rights as President of The United States to impose sanctions on Chinese imports. Not only is he well within his legal rights, he is well within any social parameters that indicate acceptable behavior on the part of our leadership to act on behalf of the country.

The country’s economic relationship with China is a serious issue, one that previous administrations have refused to confront out of fear for their presidency and party or just plain ignorance of what the average citizen is dealing with.

The problem is not Trump’s sanctions, the problem is that greedy retailers and industrialists here in The US have completely deconstructed our own production complexes in favor of the larger margin products made in China. They have offshored.

In other words, if something costs five dollars to make here in The US and one dollar to make in China, most retailers seeking a larger profit margin will stock their shelves, as they have been doing now for at least a decade, with Chinese made products in order to make four dollars more in profit.

As more factories close here and more people lose their jobs to NAFTA and their jobs are replaced by products made as a result of Clinton giving China most favored nation trading status, many can no longer afford to buy “Made in America” any longer.

China manipulates its currency, uses unfair labor practices, and even has military personnel in many factories to insure production is met. We do not do that here in The US and we will likely never take those measures. China is still a communist country when all is said and done.

Trump is well within his rights to impose whatever regime of tariffs he believes will bring those jobs and profits back to The United States.

Check the label.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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If you are afraid of socialized medicine, all the country has to do is to start regulating health care correctly once again.

Health care in America was much less socialized prior to Reagan deregulating health care. Ever since health care was deregulated, the socialized systems designed to pay for health care in America, Medicare and Medicaid, have expanded exponentially now that regulations have been dismantled. Prices have soared way beyond what the average citizen can pay out-of-pocket, something that was quite common prior to Reagan deregulating health care.

If you are afraid of seeing a socialized system of health care in America, then we must begin regulating health care correctly again. That’s all that is needed.

All of the rhetoric about socialized medicine coming from both parties is a false narrative designed to steer you away from the subject of a health care system that is properly regulated and both parties are involved in that misdirection.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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The inability of our elected who claim to be conservative even when in the majority to curtail the activity of or control the size and cost of all levels of government indicates that the government itself has at once burst from the reins of democracy.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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