William Thien

Archive for September 2023

It is funny how socialists and communists like to say that religion is the “opiate of the masses.” But when someone says it is time to cut the perpetual free lunch, the socialists scream that is a form of “evil.”

Modern socialism is two-faced.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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I am a believer in conspiracy theories, at least until there is some solid evidence to prove otherwise.

I recently saw several 9/11 conspiracy theories roll across one of my social media feeds and it caused me to laugh a bit. I doubt I need to explain the theories here. I’m sure we’ve all seen them or something quite similar, probably many hundreds of times.

What most people don’t understand, and that is probably due to their age, is that the 9/11 attack with the two planes was not the first attempt to take down the World Trade Centers. For some reason it is not discussed generally in the mainstream media.

I recall sitting on station in Germany in 1993 when the first attempt was made to take down the World Trade Centers. That time a truck bomb was put in the parking structure beneath the WTC towers with the intent of getting one of the towers to topple over on to the other tower and then to the rest of the City of New York. The damage to the towers was devastating but the terrorists didn’t achieve their objective. Repairs were completed and people eventually went back to work in the WTC towers.

So, the terrorists behind the 9/11 attack on The World Trade Centers were not the first to make an effort at it. The first attempt was in 1993.

Terrorists were going to keep trying if they could to bring the World Trade Centers down and as we all know, they were successful on 9/11.

Conspiracy theorists are not going to like what I have to say but I think it is unlikely that The U.S. government or some secret organization was directly involved in the attack. As to whether bombs were placed inside the building to amplify the damage caused by the impact of the aircraft on 9/11, as some have theorized, that is unlikely, though I would not rule it out completely. Clearly nobody is 100 percent certain as to how it all happened, even some of our own agencies.

I only write this because I believe 9/11 is the mother of all conspiracy theories from our day and age and it has spawned hundreds if not thousands of conspiracy theories that may or may not be true. Along with false reports of weapons of mass destruction, 9/11 was used by George Bush Jr to rile up support for the second entry in to Iraq in 2003, a criminal act that he should have been prosecuted for but was not, less than two years after 9/11. Many soldiers lost their lives for that fiasco and many, many more were wounded.

Ultimately, I believe analytical oversights were made by our government regarding possible threats from members of the the terrorist cell that was involved in the 9/11 event. But if one were to see how much data our governmental agencies have to review on a daily basis, such oversights are going to happen and one can only hope eventually something does not make it through the filter and gets noticed. It just didn’t happen that way with 9/11 in my opinion.

Personally, I think it is time to put the 9/11 conspiracy theories to rest instead of revisiting them each and every year. Not because it isn’t possible…

The terrorists were going to keep trying. They will still keep trying. You can bet on it. That’s what we need to focus on, possible terrorists, not elderly American ladies at the airport, not each and every American with a grievance (I think 9/11 was used as a lever to pry into the American household’s personal activities). Conspiracy theory or not, half or more of the world hates America (we’ve senselessly bombed some countries completely into the stone age on behalf of false WMD reports and other false agendas) and 9/11 could just end up looking like a day in the park.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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