William Thien

Archive for March 2021

The gun control issue in America has two distinct dimensions which are not discussed in the media at the same time as the other.

Since anti’s like to compare other countries while quoting statistics about gun violence, I shall do something similar, though from a different perspective.

With a vastly different, and I think we can all agree superior constitution to that of many other countries, no doubt with a massive daily influx of immigrants from THE ENTIRE WORLD as proof of that fact, our country continues to be attractive to others from around the globe. People around the world recognize the freedoms that we hold and they yearn for such a life. I have been to 25 countries and can tell you I have met someone in each one of them who would like to move to America. We were at war with some of those countries at one time in our history. America is still a magnet for people around the world.

Part of that magnetic attraction is our constitution and part of the magnetic field of our constitution is The 2nd Amendment. Not for the reasons you think, though. People who are attracted to America for that reason don’t want to just come here and shoot guns. No, it is completely different. You have it all wrong.

In war torn countries, for example, any immigrant in flight will tell you it could never have happened had there not been such a chasm of strength between the state and the people. Either the public was without arms or the public’s arms were so antiquated that the government just ground them into the earth. Or a neighboring country attacked another and was successful in its campaign.

These immigrants, these particular immigrants recognize that our constitution has a brief but powerful statement in it that works like a switch that they can turn on and say it is not going to happen that way again. It is called a gun. Without question that is a major part of the magnetic field of our constitution.

That is from an immigrant’s perspective. You say want proof of that fact? Well, did you know what one of the first things immigrants to America do when they are granted their citizenship? They buy a gun.


That is from an immigrant’s perspective. You say want proof of that fact? Well, did you know what one of the first things immigrants to America do when they are granted their citizenship? They buy a gun.


Americans are no different. But there is another dimension to the gun debate in America and that is crime. We not only must contend with the possibility of an overbearing government (our country’s forefathers stated that multiple times, immigrants have fled here from it) but we have substantial crime in America.

Where maybe in the country from which the immigrant has fled prior to war there was peace and little crime, guns were not needed to maintain one’s safety. America of course would look quite differently in the mirror. At once we were a frontier and guns were needed. Today, in many larger cities we have a wilderness of crime. We have major crime happening daily in America. It is in the news and much of it is not reported. People in certain areas generally don’t trust the police and they will not utilize them. The statistics they are reporting are significantly understated, though not by design. There is no law enforcement interaction and as a result, no statistics are kept. There is substantially more crime in the U.S. by definition than what we are told but it is primarily because our system of law enforcement was not utilized in those circumstances. Therefor, no statistics for such crimes can be compiled.

Let’s face it, law enforcement is not the end-all-be-all to crime. I would be honored to fight beside the men and women in law enforcement that I know and am acquainted with though I could not match their level of skill. But we can only afford as a society to pay for so many and keep them trained and healthy and the manner in which we employ them is dangerous to them and they can be injured or killed and then what? Furthermore, we restrict their right to defend themselves, almost on a daily basis which also decreases their effectiveness by installing physical and additional legal limitations to action. This is why we have states with right to carry laws. Americans are slowly transferring the right to defend themselves back from the state which has for the last 100 years constantly and successfully restricted such rights and taken that authority from the individual, home AND automobile.


Americans are slowly transferring the right to defend themselves back from the state which has for the last 100 years constantly and successfully restricted such rights and taken that authority from the individual, home AND automobile.


The statistics anti’s quote about peaceful, non-firearm owning countries, it is due to some geographical barrier such as an ocean or mountain range that is preventing wars between countries or some economic advantage, much like that of The United States. Yet we have the crime.

So gun rights advocates must not forget that though the right to keep and bear arms was designed to prevent transgressions against the public by the state, gun rights advocates must also remember that the right to keep and bear arms is inherently designed for men to control their own destiny (and something tells me the state and related donors _ahem_ is much more afraid of that, you having more control over your own destiny than the gun violence), to not be run over by the state or some mugger in the shopping center parking lot. Because I have to say, when I see how much they are taking from me in taxes, what kind of gyrations they make us go through just to get to work, who they are giving my money to and for what, I cannot tell the difference any longer between the mugger in the parking lot and the state.

I just can’t and I’ve tried. You can see me trying. Everyone can see me trying. Everyone can see you trying now, too.

Gun control is really a multidimensional issue that the anti’s don’t understand and it will probably be too late before they get it.

Copyright © William Thien 2021

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Some have asked me if I believe the Corona Virus is a real pandemic or if it is just some global elite conspiracy to rid the world of its wealth?

This is what I think about any possible conspiracy and its origins.

I am not sure it is a coincidence that the Corona Virus Pandemic occurred at the same time as The U.S. Census or not, but what is interesting to me is that the death tallies are based on false mathematics and the criteria used to determine cause of death is also wrong.

For some time I have been suggesting that when you examine all of the tax revenue brought in to the state on any given day in this country, it is huge. The amount of tax revenue generated by our massively complex and over reaching tax code is substantial, on a daily basis.

But for some reason, our elected don’t seem to be able to balance the budget with all of that cash flowing in. So for the longest time I probed for reasons. I went and examined some of the F.E.D. buildings such as the one in Denver, Colorado and I contacted my elected about it.

I looked at Federal payrolls and chatted with the like-minded.

Here is my conclusion: if there is any conspiracy as to the origins of The Corona Virus and its legitimacy as an act of God and not the making of some conspirators, I would have to say that it is conspicuous that it happened during the Census and whomever it is that is stealing the country’s wealth, if that is in fact what is happening, and it looks that way to me, the first thing they would want to do is to confuse the total number of tax payers alive in The U.S. so that an accurate determination of how much money the country is making cannot be made. If we don’t know how many people live here, how many people are alive, or what is happening with the taxes they either pay or don’t pay, then we don’t really have any idea how much money the country is making or has, even.

Play with the numbers and you can walk away free with the country’s cash.

If, and I believe it is a big IF, there is some conspiracy as to why or how the Corona Virus happened, that in my opinion would be it. They spread the Corona Virus so they could play with the numbers on the census and continue to skim the treasury. The timing IS somewhat suspect. I hardly heard about the Census in the news. But I took it. You probably did, too.

It is one of the reasons you will likely never see a balanced budget amendment. Questions will be asked.

That is pretty much it.

Copyright © William Thien 2021

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I had some time to watch the evening news a night ago and the director of The FBI, a good man to be sure, was reading his report to our elected. He characterized the people who stormed The US Capital as “domestic terrorists.” He also provided some interesting statistics for the media to slobber over.

As a former military analyst myself and having been assigned to a government agency while overseas I’ve had a similar opportunity to witness such behavior around the world, often (and I may be breaking the law by telling you this) from the live video obtained through a satellite feed, as it happened. So, though not as experienced as an FBI agent, I have more experience than most in this context and I believe because of this I can offer a sound analysis based merely on what the propaganda machine is offering us. I’ve had to filter through that crap elsewhere, too.

My characterization of the mob that attacked The US Capital would be different than that of the director of The FBI’s.

Owing to the fact that there is a hugely disgruntled population of voters, and a very small percentage of them showed up at The Capital on that day and in surprising fashion were able to get into the building dressed in animal skins and dragging clubs, primitive clubs, I would have to say that their motivations are strictly political and involved the overthrow, as haphazard as they were, as disorganized and ineffectual as they were, of the government for political reasons of a nature that is the result of the government’s own activities.

The protesters, attackers, what have you were not trying to blow up a building and eviscerate people in doing so to get the world’s attention to achieve a political victory (terrorism). The protesters were trying to get back something that the government through endless rules and law making and endless layers of taxation, the inevitable march of government to grow ever bigger, has taken away from them.

Those are not terrorists, Mr. FBI director. Those are my fellow citizens, whether I agree with their methods or not, whether they looked ragtag and disorganized.

Were there some tricky characters in the bunch? Of course. Are they blowing up the Boston Marathon or The WTC to make a point and kill innocents to get some political traction? No.

And this is a point I’ve brought up before. The US Government’s desire to characterize its own citizens involved in protest as “terrorists” is disquieting and I’d hope that doctrine is re-evaluated soon. What the doctrine indicates to me is the desire to use what I would describe as “excessive force” against the people. Characterizing the activity as “terrorism” rather than “armed protest” or even insurrection indicates a desire to activate parts of our military that are used against much larger aggressors with weapons that are used against organized militaries and foreign enemies. I’ve seen this happen in other countries first hand. It is only a matter of time before the whip comes down.

Finally, the report The FBI Director gave included some numbers of military personnel and police who were there to protest along with their fellow citizens. My response is that former military and the police are citizens, too. They pay what I call “ultimate taxes” in offering up their lives for their country. Why shouldn’t they too have been in the crowd? By the act of offering up their lives for their country, they may have more of a right to do what they were doing than most.

But the media fell upon those statistics to report that there were “former military” in the crowd and “police” and they dramatized it quite thoroughly, furthering the divide and continuing in their ever present attempt to demoralize the American Soldier.

Were their “domestic terrorists” in the crowd? Well, I am sure The FBI investigations will make such a determination if it is true.

And I’m sure in doing so we may find out that the local police chief was a “domestic terrorist” and the guy who just got back from deployment was there, too, and a local shop keeper that is out of business now because you allowed Walmart to stay open but not her shop has joined the “domestic terrorist” movement and our neighbor’s might even show up on that list.

Domestic terrorist? I prefer disgruntled voter or fellow citizen, thank you.

Copyright © William Thien 2021

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