William Thien

Archive for May 2018

This doesn’t apply to all women but one of my primary disputes with the entire #MeToo movement is that there is the presumption that only the man in the situation is responsible for the behaviors and outcomes.

In my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth, in a general sense anyway. There can be no question that much of the sexual misconduct was unwarranted and uninvited.

But! For eons societies have known that certain provocative behaviors on the part of women are inciteful and can cause social distortion of all kinds. Wars have been fought over beautiful women. It is a badge of honor for a woman to attract such attention.

That is why many orthodox religions require their women, and men for that matter, to wear certain types of conservative clothing and to wear their hair in a certain style. It creates social harmony within that society. And it works.

Not today in America. Not for the last sixty years. Instead, the science (and that’s what it is) of female attraction has used all kinds of methods to attract the attention of the male including pheromone based scents, low cut and revealing clothing, clothing that enhances the female shape, clothing that is striking in appearance, outlandish makeup that often costs more than women spend on feeding their own children! The American Woman is saying in no uncertain terms, look at me, don’t you want it? There can be no question.

Guys on the other hand often have trouble getting dressed in the morning. They come to work half-shaven, their undershirts hanging out, ties draped over their backs from coming in to the building in the wind.

Not women. Nope. That’s not going to happen. Most guys could care less what they look like for the most part as long as it works to a certain extent. But women, women want to be “attractive.” They want to be the center of attention. Look at us! Women spend many times more than men on clothing and makeup, perfume, you name it. Thousands and thousands more.

So, why the dumbfounded look when all the effort put into the grand illusion works? Why blame men for the result you were looking for in the first place?

That’s my take on much of the #MeToo movement. Not all of it of course. But more and more it seems like an excuse to act provocatively and then slink away wearing a Cheshire grin.

Yes, there are a lot of really powerful men out there that are getting their just deserts. But let’s not forget what was on the menu in the first place ladies.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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This post will probably seem callous and unsympathetic though that is not its intent.

The latest teenage “mass shooter” has been accused in the “mass media” of going on a rampage because his repeated advances towards a subject of affection were scorned. But have you seen the pictures of the girl posing invitingly on social media, all dolled up and ready to go, posing seductively, how she dressed? Such a public display on her part could easily be seen as an open invitation.

When her public efforts to demonstrate her “powers of attraction,” what most women seek to achieve we can all agree, were successful, she became repulsive and selective we are told by the media, probably confusing the boy.

I do not here justify his response, but maybe it is time for educators and parents to begin policing the way their charges appear to each other in order to achieve a particular level of order and prevent such responses in the future.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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Tbey were talking politics. One guy (subject) was saying to the other, “Geez, I told him, just because you and that fat cow wife of yours decided to spawn one night doesn’t mean I should have to give you an annual tax break to pay to raise your pimply faced fat-assed kids.”

Luckily my mic wasn’t on because they would have heard me say, “Amen to that brother.”

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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I’m single with no dependents or property (land) ownership currently, so if I’m not eligible for all of the social programs and benefits available to those with dependents or property, or rather if I’m not part of the larger plan for this country which is what that is, then why am I taxed in perpetuity as if I am?

Single working people are socialist America’s tax surrogates.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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One of the primary structures of communist re-education camps is a series of lessons that inmates must learn in order to be released back in to communist society. The focus of the lessons and how many lessons there are can very. The communist regime or the dictatorship would determine what those lessons would be.

What if conservatives instituted such camps, too? What would their lessons be? Imagine that they might take the form of tenets or commandments perhaps. How would the lessons sound and what would be their focus?

I have some examples. If true, real conservatives instituted a political re-education camp, the first to visit the camps would be politicians that redistribute the wealth of the country to those who provide little in return. Politicians of course do that in order to get elected.

Socialist and communist politicians hiding behind the auspices of one political party or another would be the first to enter the camps, rounded up probably while eating their free lunches or expensive Washington D.C. dinners that are paid for by the tax payer. Conservatives would enter and surround the tables and cart the offending socialists off, toss them in a school bus or trucks of some kind, blindfolded maybe, and off they’d go to the conservative re-education camps, secretly located of course.

The deceptive politicians would be stripped of their fancy business suits and expensive jewelry and given gray pajama-like uniforms with a number on them. They would no longer be referred to by their titles such as Senator this and Congressman that but instead they would be assigned a number and they would keep that number until they completed their re-education and only then would their titles be restored.

The politicians be forced to reveal the location of the wealth they accumulated while in Washington as everyone knows most politicians go to Washington having what might be considered middle-class wealth but after years of incumbency and influence peddling they are often multi-millionaires or wealthier.

Once there, the lessons would begin immediately.

The first lesson might read something like this, a commandment perhaps, and open to revision:

  1. Thou shalt not tax the working person to death in order to pay for a massive culture of sexual promiscuity. Where am I going with this particular lesson? Well, the largest beneficiary outside of the elderly of social welfare programs in this country are single women sleeping around and getting pregnant, carrying the spawn to term, and then strapping the working stiff with the costs of birthing and then raising the bastard child through its entire life, at huge expense to the tax payer. As many as 50 percent of children on average are born to women out-of-wedlock annually, a huge expense to the tax paying working person. Large chunks of their income go to pay for that behavior. The working person never sees the money and they have no option to opt out of paying for the such sexual promiscuity of women they will never meet. The money is simply taken right out of their pay checks. Socialist politicians who support such policy will remain in forced labor until they agree to work to discontinue policy that burdens society with the costs of such sexual promiscuity by single women resulting in children being born out-of-wedlock and paid for by the public, instead of the father and mother of the child. If the politicians don’t agree to change their policies, options in the re-education camp might include solitary confinement in a small box (as is done in communist or socialist countries) or harder labor, until the politician breaks and is willing to sign a document stating that they would not perpetuate such policy that takes from the working classes and redistributes to the sexually promiscuous female having their children out-of-wedlock.

That would be the first and primary lesson of a conservative re-education camps. The result of whoring around shall not result in the tax payer being burdened with the costs to raise the result of that activity, or a child born to a woman out-of-wedlock.

There are more lessons to come. Stay tuned or sign up to receive updates.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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In reference to my previous post on the subject, what if conservatives used socialist and communist methodologies and instituted re-education camps and forced labor for political transgressions, what would conservatives teach in those re-education camps? More about that later.

Those of us who have worked in the military intelligence or for some agency that are aware of the existence of such facilities, in existence even today in countries such as North Korea and China as well, though less profoundly so, know what life is like in such places.

You may have seen news articles on television or in the newspaper about captured Americans and what they must endure or what citizens suffer of countries where those types of facilities exist. People are starved there, left with little clothing in windowless huts in the winter. They work long hours of hard labor and often never leave, not living long enough to complete their sentences. Americans only need to recall Otto Warmbier, an American, an American student who died from such tortuous treatment for merely trying to take a propaganda poster, something kids do all the time at concerts or college campuses to put up in their dorm rooms. Instead, Warmbier was detained and died shortly after he was returned to American custody.

Those are the conditions of communist and socialist re-education. That is the result of such prison encampment and detention. It is quite common. Warmbier simply attempted to take a poster! His sentence was death.

So, when I see all of those imbeciles parading around Washington D.C. with pickets that say it is time for socialism and communism in this country, among other ridiculous assertions, I ask, well then what if conservatives institute the same methodologies?

Because those same aforementioned socialist and communist methods are sure to follow if there is a national movement to socialize or communize the entire country. You can bet on it.

Why? Because after the people see what it is really all about, nobody buys into it anymore without the forceful institution of said communist ideology.

People suddenly get smart. But by then it is too late. They wise up and it is only under the installation of brutal control that extensive forms of socialism and communism can be maintained, perpetuated. People are not just misled. They are forced to believe, to comply. Look at Venezuela. Think about North Korea. Think about Otto Warmbier.

Think about Otto Warmbier before you get that ridiculous idea to make a picket to carry around professing the benefits of communism. Because once you get your communist country, the one you want so badly, you won’t be able to carry that picket around if it says anything about the benefits of capitalism, conservatism, or a free market economy. You’ll be on your way to the national Gulag in a pair of gray pajamas and no shoes just about the time of the first snowfall that year.

And just like always, somebody like myself at one time will be sitting far off on the perimeter watching everything that happens to you through a rifle scope or a pair of binoculars, a drone or a satellite signal thinking, damn, if only they’d have listened before they dropped that ballot in the box.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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What if Conservatives instituted Socialist/Communist control methodologies, you know like re-education camps, hard labor for political transgressions, that type of thing?

Of course since Conservatives believe in less government that would be unlikely since all of those socialist methodologies require massive government infrastructure and effort to instill ideology that is counter to free will, a primary tenet of conservatism. In a sense, conservatism is at a distinct disadvantage to socialist and communist forms of government, then, as conservatism is less forceful by definition, leaving you to your own means.

So why has conservatism seen such a revival in the last few years? Precisely that conservatism is the less forceful form of government. When conservatism is bastardized by a political party, then it will lose legitimacy.

I think we are seeing that happen now to a certain extent. Let’s make sure things stay on course. Because they are out there, playing games in traffic to and from work, looking for your internet activity, anything that can be used to demoralize you.

You are entitled to defend yourselves. They will approximate those you love, test you at your perimeter, appear to be like those you work with.  Subtle though they may be, if you are alert, you will recognize them. They will try to escalate, to ensnare.

Stay the course.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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Without the 2nd Amendment, many of the other amendments in The Bill of Rights are unenforceable, as the people have no other way to enforce their will if it becomes necessary. The same holds true for much of The U.S. Constitution.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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The news cycle is going so fast we haven’t heard about it for several weeks though I am all for a trade war with China. Yet, let’s not let the news cycle determine the best foreign and economic policy in this country.

Because I can’t tell you how many times I have purchased something made in China when something was needed, and Chinese made was the only product on the shelf and after only a few uses it was broken or unusable.

The list of poor quality Chinese made products I have had no other choice but to purchase is extensive. Clothing that lasted only a few washes and began to disintegrate, electronics that were so fragile and poorly constructed you couldn’t adjust them, and the list goes on and on.

Just last night I was moving a floor lamp from one room to another, a lamp I rarely use, and the base of the lamp broke out of the lamp and disintegrated all over the carpeting. After looking at the pieces it was evident the lamp was made to stay in one place for the entirely of its life and never be moved. What good is that? The thing wasn’t all that expensive, but when you add up all of the similar incidents of that type, the disintegrating clothing, the broken electronics, the cost is astronomical, not to mention the effort to re-purchase, and the cost of paying for something twice, multiple times, and the taxes, too!

The quality is often so poor it is almost as if it was intentional, planned obsolescence, sabotage, sabotage of a people, a country, a planet, and a way of life! How can I say that? Well, unlike in other countries, in China the government and the military are often involved in industrial production. The government can see directly and knows exactly what is being produced and is doing nothing about it. Now do you see where I am going with this observation?

To be sure, Chinese manufacturers have begun to improve upon quality control. And those American and other foreign concerns that have their production facilities located in China and supervise production have been able to control quality, but for the most part my experiences with “Made in China” have been frustrating, disappointing, and the sum total of money I’ve had to spend on Chinese made products is significant.

For a while, until consumers began to check the label more regularly, that was all that was available at many retailers, even high-end retailers, because the retail margins (profits) generated for the low cost, poor quality Chinese products were so high.

So, if only to protect the American consumer and not just the American producer, as nobody likes to go to war if it isn’t necessary, I am all for a trade war with China. Because at the very least, when it comes to quality control and cost to the consumer, there can be no question who fired the first shot.

Copyright © William Thien 2018

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