William Thien

Archive for May 2015

One of the problems I have with many politicians who consider themselves conservatives by default, primarily because they are members of the GOP, is that often their policies, ideals, and belief systems result in massive increases in the size of government, and no true conservative would go for that.

Outlawing abortion, for example, increases government in a massive way. Banning birth control does the same as both outlawing abortion and banning birth control are in direct opposition to human nature. People are going to have sex, even if they can’t afford to raise the resultant progeny. That means that single women will have to fall back on the government to birth and raise that child. And they do. Last year over fifty percent of children were born to single mothers. HALF of all babies were born to single mothers. Now you know that means bigger government.

One of the things we can do is examine policies proposed by these so-called conservatives and see how they might affect the size of government. Perhaps a litmus test is simply to ask, well, will that increase the size of government or will it decrease the size of government? If it decreases the size of government, then it may be a conservative measure. If it increases the size of government, then it is likely a liberal measure.

But we should all consider that any proposed government program by default means more government.

Copyright © William Thien 2015

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In the past I have written that there is one very effective way to make a decision about a candidate if you are having trouble picking one at the ballot box and that is to consider the candidate’s wife beforehand. Politics, they say, makes for strange bedfellows. Naturally then a candidate’s spouse can have a direct influence on the decisions an elected official makes, if they share the same bed that is.

But we have entered into a new age of politics in America where we can expect during the next presidential election to see multiple lady candidates, from both parties no less, and that means instead of considering the candidate’s wife, you might want to look into the candidate’s husband this time if you are having trouble picking a candidate at the ballot box.

I know I’ve been saying we need to talk about someone else as conservatives, but what does that mean for Hillary Clinton?


That means we’d have two presidents sleeping in the same bed at the same time. In that case politics really does make for strange bedfellows, you could say.

Copyright © William Thien 2015

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