William Thien

Archive for December 2023

He/she who does nothing does no wrong. They do no wrong because they do nothing. And that’s what many socialists do, nothing, aside from receiving some form of tax payer funded subsidy.

By the same token, he/she who does less will do less wrong. They do less wrong because they do less and make up for it with some form of government subsidy. Because they do less, they do less wrong.

It is a sort of mathematical/political conundrum I have been considering for some time. You are statistically less likely to do wrong if you do nothing at all and socialists have us all cornered in that regard.

Of course not all socialists “do nothing” or do less even, but unless you are independently wealthy, the only way to get away with doing nothing and survive in America is to be a socialist.

Yet, if you are an active person, if you have served in the military, if you write books, if you like to travel, if you have your own business, whatever, the aforementioned socialist classes, those who do nothing and those who do less, will almost always have something to say about how you are living your life. Yet they have done little or nothing with theirs. Most have accomplished nothing.

By doing less, by being socialist, for example, socialists are in a particularly advantageous position to act like they are superior to the rest of us because since they don’t do anything, they do less wrong and they tax us at the same time.

In order for socialists to justify what are today significant levels of taxation, they have to point to the public’s shortcomings. It is taxation through guilt. They all know what they are doing at the top of the socialist pyramid. The media is in on it, too.

That is why socialists are always telling you how to live your life.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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I thought all of the social programs and all of the additional taxation to pay for them was supposed to end the epidemic of homelessness, the tent cities, and the hunger in America that we are seeing in the news today, particularly in the larger cities all across the country. Instead, all of the socialism and extra taxation to pay for the social programs seems only to have amplified the human condition it was meant to solve.

With the way our government continues to tax us, though, I am sure we will continue to do things over and over the same way while expecting a different result.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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The problem, as I see it anyway, with the mass media today is that since the “Money is Speech” ruling by The Supreme Court, so much money, humungous mountains of cash in fact, have begun to flow into media advertising departments from political ad campaigns, that all the money has turned what was once a media considered a political “watch dog,” useful to the general public, into a neutered, political “lap dog” that is frightened of its own greedy, little shadow.

That must be why nobody reads the newspaper, anymore. They’ve already figured that out. It is too bad, too. That was my first job, ever, delivering bundles and bundles of morning newspapers as a small boy with my little red wagon in the blowing snow.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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