William Thien

Archive for the ‘Conservative Thought’ Category

With the constant fear mongering in the news, with the nightly run of police state dramas on the big three networks frightening the viewer practically to death followed by the late night talk shows that have been trotting out the same Hollywood socialist icons year after year, and with daytime television’s pandering to the single mother having children out-of-wedlock so that advertisers can achieve profits from the viewer’s government checks, with all of that the mainstream media has become nothing more than the socialist beast under America’s bed.

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Due to the nature of the following observation, think “metaphorically” if you would, please.

In this new era of socialist bread and circuses being forced upon us all every day, particularly in the media, the ring leaders of the circus should know that some might just forego that stale, worthless bread you keep tossing at us and instead cut down a few of those circus elephants, ponies, and bears and feast upon them instead.

William Thien 2024

Copyright © 2024 William Thien

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He/she who does nothing does no wrong. They do no wrong because they do nothing. And that’s what many socialists do, nothing, aside from receiving some form of tax payer funded subsidy.

By the same token, he/she who does less will do less wrong. They do less wrong because they do less and make up for it with some form of government subsidy. Because they do less, they do less wrong.

It is a sort of mathematical/political conundrum I have been considering for some time. You are statistically less likely to do wrong if you do nothing at all and socialists have us all cornered in that regard.

Of course not all socialists “do nothing” or do less even, but unless you are independently wealthy, the only way to get away with doing nothing and survive in America is to be a socialist.

Yet, if you are an active person, if you have served in the military, if you write books, if you like to travel, if you have your own business, whatever, the aforementioned socialist classes, those who do nothing and those who do less, will almost always have something to say about how you are living your life. Yet they have done little or nothing with theirs. Most have accomplished nothing.

By doing less, by being socialist, for example, socialists are in a particularly advantageous position to act like they are superior to the rest of us because since they don’t do anything, they do less wrong and they tax us at the same time.

In order for socialists to justify what are today significant levels of taxation, they have to point to the public’s shortcomings. It is taxation through guilt. They all know what they are doing at the top of the socialist pyramid. The media is in on it, too.

That is why socialists are always telling you how to live your life.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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I thought all of the social programs and all of the additional taxation to pay for them was supposed to end the epidemic of homelessness, the tent cities, and the hunger in America that we are seeing in the news today, particularly in the larger cities all across the country. Instead, all of the socialism and extra taxation to pay for the social programs seems only to have amplified the human condition it was meant to solve.

With the way our government continues to tax us, though, I am sure we will continue to do things over and over the same way while expecting a different result.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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The problem, as I see it anyway, with the mass media today is that since the “Money is Speech” ruling by The Supreme Court, so much money, humungous mountains of cash in fact, have begun to flow into media advertising departments from political ad campaigns, that all the money has turned what was once a media considered a political “watch dog,” useful to the general public, into a neutered, political “lap dog” that is frightened of its own greedy, little shadow.

That must be why nobody reads the newspaper, anymore. They’ve already figured that out. It is too bad, too. That was my first job, ever, delivering bundles and bundles of morning newspapers as a small boy with my little red wagon in the blowing snow.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

A bit of rambling in this observation but it all ties in at the end as you will see.

Prices have been on the rise, substantially on the rise, for decades, and it is all by design. As I have mentioned in previous observations on the subject, The FED (Federal Reserve Bank) has been stimulating inflation for a number of reasons. Those who control supply of products and property want their prices to go up to increase profits. Also, the political climate is one that will not allow a politician to say he or she is going to raise taxes and by driving prices up, inflation, sales taxes increase proportionally and nobody has to lose office. There are other reasons but for the sake of this observation, it is not necessary to discuss them here.

The FED has taken steps by raising interest rates over the last year to reverse the massive inflation caused by its historically low interest rates, so low that they have never been lower, even before pre-Christian times. Recently talk has been that The FED has raised rates to levels it believes will reverse inflationary pressures on the consumer and prices will start to come down again. Each and every month over the last year or so The FED has raised interest rates, until recently when it has entered a pause in such money supply manipulation.

But the prices of things that I purchase regularly are still increasing, sometimes quite a bit, twenty to fifty percent per month.

This has caused me to examine why that is the case, why are prices still going up if the cost of money is higher and supposedly slowing inflation?

We see that automotive gasoline has started to come down in price and fuel is one of what I call the “levers of inflation.” The price of gas goes up; the price of shipping goes up. The price of gas goes back down, the price of shipping stays up (hey, what’s up with that? Talk about a scam on the public).

Fuel therefor is what I call one of the non-reversible “levers of inflation.” Changes in the price of fuel are what I call a source of “False prophets. Ahem, false profits.” In other words, the product doesn’t have to get better. All the shipper has to do is increase its prices to cover the costs of the increase in the price of fuel, one of its inputs, and then leave its prices up when the cost of its input, fuel, goes back down again. Everyone who relies on shipping as part of their production process thus increases their profits when shipping and fuel prices go up. They must pray for fuel prices to go up in some industries merely so they can increase profits because were it not for the fluctuating price of fuel, their profit margins would stagnate. They haven’t improved their product. They haven’t invented more efficient processes. They simply raise their prices when fuel goes up in price. Nice little deal, isn’t it? But for a country that has survived on innovation, though, not so good. This is one reason why I support the electric car industry. It is innovative and doesn’t pollute the environment as much as each and every little auto belching out carbon monoxide during the commute. Yet, I digress.

So, if the cost of money is one of the levers of inflation, and The FED has been doing something for the last year to reverse the damage it has caused to the value of the dollar by making things more expensive, and if fuel prices are down, fuel being another lever of inflation, what then is causing the price of consumer goods to still be generally increasing?

I began to ask myself that question every time I checked out at the grocery store. Why does my bill keep going up when I am buying less and less?

Then it occurred to me. And I’m sure it is obvious to many already.

Corporations, conglomerates that focus on food products have for the last couple of decades been snatching up brands and production lines like never before and our government has done nothing about it.

Not unlike The Standard Oil monopoly/oligarchy of the early 1900’s, some food processing conglomerates own hundreds of food brand names and all of their production lines whether they be vertically or horizontally integrated. All the vertically or horizontally integrated part means is that if a company grows its own tomatoes and prepares and packages them and then distributes them, if they control the complete production cycle from seed to store shelf, then they are vertically integrated. Horizontal production merely means production responsibilities are shared by multiple companies or varying facilities.

So, if a food conglomerate buys hundreds of brand names of food producers that are both horizontally and vertically produced, they control a large portion of the food supply. They don’t need the price of fuel to go up. They don’t borrow large amounts of money to generate profits. They simply begin raising prices because they can. They make it all. They cook it all. Therefor they can charge whatever they want.

In the early 1900’s Standard Oil was deconstructed by the government because it controlled large portions of oil production in The United States and was gouging the fuel buying public. Fuel being a necessary component of industrial production, it was starting to have an effect on the prices of everything. The government broke up standard oil because it was the right thing to do for the country.

Our government has not been doing anything about the massive food conglomerates controlling food supplies in The United States. The Department of Justice has done nothing about it and it is the DOJ that would do something. It is called antitrust litigation and our government has let big conglomerates like ConAgra for example, purchase huge numbers of companies and their related production capacities.

Just take a look at all of the brands that ConAgra owns: https://www.conagrabrands.com/brands

If that isn’t a cause for concern when it comes to the food supply in The United States, then I don’t know what is? One company having so much control over so much food? Not a good thing. Especially when they force their subsidiaries to start substituting fake meat for the real meat which they made their various quality brand names on, or reconstituted food matter for real food stuff, to increase profits. These big food conglomerates purchase brand names that have made a name for themselves by creating quality products. Then, the conglomerates move in and begin to control production, marginalizing quality but making it look like they are selling the same product the original company made its name on.

The DOJ went after Microsoft when it was buying up companies and conglomerating in a similar fashion, for example, but corporate food conglomeration has been allowed to go on for decades unabated. Why is that? I’m not entirely certain though it is possible it is due to corruption in D.C., but it is more likely that our government isn’t nimble enough in a legal sense to take those large agricultural producers on in the courts.

Our elected have focused almost the entire legal code on the individual in The United States on behalf of special interests, and that has been the focus of such governmental entities like The DOJ.

Recently the DOJ has started going after large social media companies and those aggregates, but in my opinion, though necessary to a certain extent, that is a political endeavor more than anything. It won’t affect the prices of necessities. The government does very little to regulate the producers of necessities and that’s where the big money has been focusing for quite some time. Food. Fuel. Housing. Now that conglomerates like ConAgra control massive portions of food production in the U.S., it stands to reason that food prices have gone up and up and up. That is the nature of capitalism. Were it not for the fact that they substitute fake meat for real meat, food byproducts for real food, this entire episode might not have caught my attention. But it is all corporate slight of hand. It is bait and switch on a massive scale and it is focused on the country’s nutrition, the primary source of the country’s health. The government is doing nothing about it.

All of that being said, the identification of the levers of inflation, the description of food production conglomeration in The United States driving food prices up and up and up, what can be done about all of this price fixing? Because that’s ultimately what it is. Price fixing.

The government can begin antitrust litigation against the massive food production giants. They can break them up and re-invigorate the production of quality food in The United States. And they can start doing it, now. There isn’t a grocery store shopper in the country that will stand in their way.

I have said this before. Don’t mess with the food supply.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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It is funny how socialists and communists like to say that religion is the “opiate of the masses.” But when someone says it is time to cut the perpetual free lunch, the socialists scream that is a form of “evil.”

Modern socialism is two-faced.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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I am a believer in conspiracy theories, at least until there is some solid evidence to prove otherwise.

I recently saw several 9/11 conspiracy theories roll across one of my social media feeds and it caused me to laugh a bit. I doubt I need to explain the theories here. I’m sure we’ve all seen them or something quite similar, probably many hundreds of times.

What most people don’t understand, and that is probably due to their age, is that the 9/11 attack with the two planes was not the first attempt to take down the World Trade Centers. For some reason it is not discussed generally in the mainstream media.

I recall sitting on station in Germany in 1993 when the first attempt was made to take down the World Trade Centers. That time a truck bomb was put in the parking structure beneath the WTC towers with the intent of getting one of the towers to topple over on to the other tower and then to the rest of the City of New York. The damage to the towers was devastating but the terrorists didn’t achieve their objective. Repairs were completed and people eventually went back to work in the WTC towers.

So, the terrorists behind the 9/11 attack on The World Trade Centers were not the first to make an effort at it. The first attempt was in 1993.

Terrorists were going to keep trying if they could to bring the World Trade Centers down and as we all know, they were successful on 9/11.

Conspiracy theorists are not going to like what I have to say but I think it is unlikely that The U.S. government or some secret organization was directly involved in the attack. As to whether bombs were placed inside the building to amplify the damage caused by the impact of the aircraft on 9/11, as some have theorized, that is unlikely, though I would not rule it out completely. Clearly nobody is 100 percent certain as to how it all happened, even some of our own agencies.

I only write this because I believe 9/11 is the mother of all conspiracy theories from our day and age and it has spawned hundreds if not thousands of conspiracy theories that may or may not be true. Along with false reports of weapons of mass destruction, 9/11 was used by George Bush Jr to rile up support for the second entry in to Iraq in 2003, a criminal act that he should have been prosecuted for but was not, less than two years after 9/11. Many soldiers lost their lives for that fiasco and many, many more were wounded.

Ultimately, I believe analytical oversights were made by our government regarding possible threats from members of the the terrorist cell that was involved in the 9/11 event. But if one were to see how much data our governmental agencies have to review on a daily basis, such oversights are going to happen and one can only hope eventually something does not make it through the filter and gets noticed. It just didn’t happen that way with 9/11 in my opinion.

Personally, I think it is time to put the 9/11 conspiracy theories to rest instead of revisiting them each and every year. Not because it isn’t possible…

The terrorists were going to keep trying. They will still keep trying. You can bet on it. That’s what we need to focus on, possible terrorists, not elderly American ladies at the airport, not each and every American with a grievance (I think 9/11 was used as a lever to pry into the American household’s personal activities). Conspiracy theory or not, half or more of the world hates America (we’ve senselessly bombed some countries completely into the stone age on behalf of false WMD reports and other false agendas) and 9/11 could just end up looking like a day in the park.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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Hmmn. Anyone else think the stock market is rigged?

That’s been happening quite a bit lately as they try to justify all of the banking activity and now they are talking about an autumn correction. More like an autumn theft of the population’s savings, if you ask me. Too many people have their life savings and retirement locked up in various accounts that the government penalizes them for withdrawing prior to retirement, and if you ask me that makes the government complicit in the major corrections the last couple of decades.

You can’t take your money out because there won’t be anything left due to early withdrawal penalties. The fixers know that the public is up against it and can’t do anything about it so they reap the profits in a downturn, force the downturns in fact. Just look at 2008-2009. It was widely thought it was a planned event and movies were written about it. You won’t hear anything like this in the mainstream media, though. They are either on the take or spend too much time on makeup and fashion to really know what is going on.

Time to remove early withdrawal penalties from the various retirement accounts. The government isn’t supposed to facilitate that type of activity and that’s exactly what they are doing.

Even if the public knows about such financial events they can’t do anything about it because the government has tied their hands behind their backs with unconstitutional tax law.

Time to remove early withdrawal penalties.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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Socialism is just a way for incompetent politicians and inept political parties to get themselves elected.

Instead of offering working political solutions to social problems, socialists just offer to redistribute the country’s wealth as a means of solving social issues.

“Vote for me and I will give you the other guy’s money,” is not a political solution, it is a crutch propping up a political system that cannot stand on its own. That is why you see totalitarianism in response to political upheaval in countries that are completely socialist. The government is philosophically on its last legs in a political sense. Socialism is a governmental admission that it has no real solutions to offer.

Socialism and the offers of “social programs” are just an indication that the government is populated by the politically incompetent, unable to offer solutions to political crises without throwing the other guy’s money at the situation.

Ultimately, due to the various frailties of human nature, particularly those associated with the false sense of independence created by feminist socialism and reproduction, for example, socialism tends to amplify the problems it was meant to solve in the first place as more and more women have more and more children out-of-wedlock.

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