William Thien

Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

He/she who does nothing does no wrong. They do no wrong because they do nothing. And that’s what many socialists do, nothing, aside from receiving some form of tax payer funded subsidy.

By the same token, he/she who does less will do less wrong. They do less wrong because they do less and make up for it with some form of government subsidy. Because they do less, they do less wrong.

It is a sort of mathematical/political conundrum I have been considering for some time. You are statistically less likely to do wrong if you do nothing at all and socialists have us all cornered in that regard.

Of course not all socialists “do nothing” or do less even, but unless you are independently wealthy, the only way to get away with doing nothing and survive in America is to be a socialist.

Yet, if you are an active person, if you have served in the military, if you write books, if you like to travel, if you have your own business, whatever, the aforementioned socialist classes, those who do nothing and those who do less, will almost always have something to say about how you are living your life. Yet they have done little or nothing with theirs. Most have accomplished nothing.

By doing less, by being socialist, for example, socialists are in a particularly advantageous position to act like they are superior to the rest of us because since they don’t do anything, they do less wrong and they tax us at the same time.

In order for socialists to justify what are today significant levels of taxation, they have to point to the public’s shortcomings. It is taxation through guilt. They all know what they are doing at the top of the socialist pyramid. The media is in on it, too.

That is why socialists are always telling you how to live your life.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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I thought all of the social programs and all of the additional taxation to pay for them was supposed to end the epidemic of homelessness, the tent cities, and the hunger in America that we are seeing in the news today, particularly in the larger cities all across the country. Instead, all of the socialism and extra taxation to pay for the social programs seems only to have amplified the human condition it was meant to solve.

With the way our government continues to tax us, though, I am sure we will continue to do things over and over the same way while expecting a different result.

Copyright © 2023 William Thien

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Hmmn. Anyone else think the stock market is rigged?

That’s been happening quite a bit lately as they try to justify all of the banking activity and now they are talking about an autumn correction. More like an autumn theft of the population’s savings, if you ask me. Too many people have their life savings and retirement locked up in various accounts that the government penalizes them for withdrawing prior to retirement, and if you ask me that makes the government complicit in the major corrections the last couple of decades.

You can’t take your money out because there won’t be anything left due to early withdrawal penalties. The fixers know that the public is up against it and can’t do anything about it so they reap the profits in a downturn, force the downturns in fact. Just look at 2008-2009. It was widely thought it was a planned event and movies were written about it. You won’t hear anything like this in the mainstream media, though. They are either on the take or spend too much time on makeup and fashion to really know what is going on.

Time to remove early withdrawal penalties from the various retirement accounts. The government isn’t supposed to facilitate that type of activity and that’s exactly what they are doing.

Even if the public knows about such financial events they can’t do anything about it because the government has tied their hands behind their backs with unconstitutional tax law.

Time to remove early withdrawal penalties.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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Socialism is just a way for incompetent politicians and inept political parties to get themselves elected.

Instead of offering working political solutions to social problems, socialists just offer to redistribute the country’s wealth as a means of solving social issues.

“Vote for me and I will give you the other guy’s money,” is not a political solution, it is a crutch propping up a political system that cannot stand on its own. That is why you see totalitarianism in response to political upheaval in countries that are completely socialist. The government is philosophically on its last legs in a political sense. Socialism is a governmental admission that it has no real solutions to offer.

Socialism and the offers of “social programs” are just an indication that the government is populated by the politically incompetent, unable to offer solutions to political crises without throwing the other guy’s money at the situation.

Ultimately, due to the various frailties of human nature, particularly those associated with the false sense of independence created by feminist socialism and reproduction, for example, socialism tends to amplify the problems it was meant to solve in the first place as more and more women have more and more children out-of-wedlock.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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I cannot tell you how many times I’ve listened to a candidate and said to myself, ‘geez, he or she sounds just like a candidate from the other major party.’

It is the reason you often hear pundits comment that the two parties are not all that much different, “ideologically.”

Were I approaching the matter from an analytical perspective, perhaps say working for our The State Department and examining candidates in an election overseas, in order to understand how to approach a regime for example, I would conclude that one party has installed fake candidates in the other party to throw the election in their favor.

I think that is happening today and to support my position, I bring up the political career of Ronald Reagan. Prior to joining The Republican Party, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat. “Whaaaaat,” you ask? “No,” you say.


Reagan was also head of the largest union in Hollywood, The Screen Actors Guild, and he was considered a devout liberal. Now, I don’t confuse the work of unions with socialism. They are not the same. Though many socialists find refuge in union ideology, unions are not by definition “socialist.” Socialism involves a redistribution of wealth at the state level using tax payer dollars. Unions are aggregates of employees with common interests. There is a significant structural difference in the two. Though conservatives often say they are one and the same. They are not.

So I ask, how is it that a Democrat can completely change his political composition, his philosophical presence and shape so easily, and win the presidency after migrating from one party to another?

In Reagan’s day such political maneuvers were pretty much done on the up and up. Today, I wonder.

The key will be to determine the origin of their belief system, aside from the size of their donor base and campaign spend. Money is huge in politics. Without it, there is only one other option to win an election.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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DESOCIALIZATION: as in deconstructing the mechanisms of socialism and government largess related to such. Verb (V). The process of removing public reliance upon government social safety net mechanisms in perpetuity and/or as an avocation. The process of the increased policing of abuses of the social safety net by persons and/or corporations.

The process of reconstructing the nuclear family and deconstructing false feminine independence which involves raising a family on government subsidy. (Goes to the fact that frequently 4 in 10 babies are born to single mothers who then frequently seek social welfare). As in, a government check is not “independence.”

The process of educating the public that there is truly no “free lunch” for everyone. Somebody must pay for it.

The process of flattening the tax code so that it is more fair. (As in much of the socialism in America is facilitated through the tax code, both for the very poor and the very wealthy, while the middle classes pair at a statistically much higher rate).DESOCIALIZATION: Verb (V)

Copyright © William Thien 2021

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Everyone is wondering why Trump faced such ridicule and Biden is being treated with kid gloves so early on in his presidency.

To me it is obvious.

Biden has handed out tens of thousands of dollars to families and stimulus payments for singles, a small pittance of what a family gets, but it is still money, and Trump did not.

That pretty much explains it, if you ask me.

Biden just paid everybody off. Smart move regardless of whether or not it was equitable or sound monetary policy (families received huge stimulus payments and are still getting monthlies while singles received one much smaller payment).

It is politics after all. Right and wrong don’t really come into play all that much.

To be sure, almost every President since George Bush Jr., the first to utilize such stimuli, has given out at least one. But Joe Biden’s is massive, in some cases matching the annual income of the recipients.

Copyright © William Thien 2021

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I keep track of my grocery receipts just to see how much I am spending.

Now that I cook my own bread and make my own meat roasts and stews and pizzas when I can, I have literally cut my grocery bill to one third of what it was while at the same time I started buying organic dairy when I can which is much more expensive and my grocery bill is still one third of what it was.

No wonder they dismantled home economics in the classroom and the nuclear family and replaced it with social feminism. It was costing them money. I know we are not supposed to talk like that but just saying. Do the math.

Copyright © William Thien 2020

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To me it well appears that given the current political climate and its contentious nature, in particular during the last four years of the present administration, that the preponderance of significant executive and legislative activity has landed in the courts.

I am not a legal scholar though I do not believe one must be to reach such a conclusion.

I pose the question:

Does that mean the courts have become too functionally powerful either through process or position and therefore must be moderated by legislation of some approach, and how best to produce such a legislative composition?

Copyright © William Thien 2020

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Because of his character and leadership sytle, if you look at all of the benefits, increases in ratings and ad revenue for example, that the current Trump presidency has brought to a media starving for drama and political scandal of any nature, I would have to say that even though it would appear that the media favor Biden in this election, with The Democratic Party being the number one party of media manipulation due to the more dramatic nature of many of the social positions The Democratic Party takes, I would have to say that the TV media still secretly wishes to see another Trump presidency.

There may be a lot of money rollling in from Democratic Candidates due to all of the campaign cash, but that’s just for another couple of days until the election is over. If Trump is elected, the money will be coming in to the media in the form of improved ratings and ad revenue every day for the next four years. Television execs must be aware of that fact.

Being that Trump is a product of the media himself with his television enterprises and pageants, it would seem that the media so far has been thorougly seduced by one of its own.

Copyright © William Thien 2020

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