William Thien

Posts Tagged ‘feminism

I believe there is a valid form and history to the feminist movement but that there is a flaw in contemporary feminism. From my perspective and experiences, contemporary feminism is uncivilized.

Contemporary feminism is uncivilized because contemporary feminism does not police itself.

Today feminism is an uncontrolled form of media-incited mass hysteria.

Contemporary feminism is reactionary.

The objective of contemporary feminism is to lash out.

Almost all of my experiences lead me to conclude that there is a mantra in contemporary feminism. All that I see on display in the media, in news stories involving feminism of any extent is that there is indeed a mantra.

That mantra is: use what you got to get what you want. It is use what you got to get what you want followed by the common but perhaps silent affirmation, “You go girl!”

It does not matter whose life is destroyed. No man is safe from the hysteria. It is often unity for the sake of gain, not for the sake of what is right. False accusations are tools of advancement. Political parties parade contemporary feminists in front of the camera to get votes. The entire country must endure every trial and tribulation in the mass media of contemporary feminism. Mole hills are turned into mountains. Contemporary feminism is, get even with any man whether he is innocent or not.

It is vengeance unchecked. Contemporary feminism IS uncivilized.

Contemporary feminism is socially destructive.

Contemporary feminism is, all men are the same.

Contemporary feminism is, we can do anything men can do and do it better, until it comes time to dig ditches under the hot sun with a hand shovel and then contemporary feminism is a Cheshire grin slinking away and suggesting “My what big biceps you men have.”

Contemporary feminism is a shrieking, raging beast cloaked in mass victimization.

Contemporary feminism is provocative.

Contemporary feminism is explicit displays of femininity.

Contemporary feminism is the temptress who then claims to be the victim.

Contemporary feminism is a fashion statement.

Contemporary feminism is a shrewd corporate marketing campaign.

Contemporary feminism is good for ratings.

Contemporary feminism is a right of passage.

Contemporary feminism is, I’m daddy’s little girl, even though I’m 30 and I ought to know better.

Contemporary feminism is often a cleverly designed trap.

Contemporary feminism is a poisonous militancy.

Contemporary feminism is, shout all at once and let no man be heard above it and defend himself from the common rage of womanhood. And make sure there are cameras there.

Contemporary feminism is guilty until proven innocent.

Contemporary feminism is totalitarian.

Ultimately to me though the reason contemporary feminism is uncivilized is because contemporary feminism does not police itself. It refuses.

When I discuss why I think contemporary feminism is uncivilized with an avowed feminist, though of a different generation, she agrees with me. And she tells me her definitions of what a true feminist is. They are different than that of a contemporary feminist. I am made to know that.

But when I say I believe feminism is in danger of delegitimizing itself because feminism does not police itself, she raises her voice and her response is that it would be impossible!

The avowed feminist refuses, vehemently refuses to believe any attempt to police contemporary feminism by a feminist would work. She utterly refuses. This to me indicates I am correct in the matter. It is her resistance to even make any attempt to solve a problem to which she agrees exists that proves my point. I do not mean to indict her here, but there is a clear indication in her response of what I describe. It is impossible! for us to police ourselves. Impossible!

Contemporary feminism is out of control.

Contemporary feminism is a refusal of feminist leadership to control its ranks, to even make an attempt to control its ranks.

When I respond with “well what if there were a strong female in the national spotlight who recognized that the feminist movement of today was an irresponsible, anti-social and socially destructive movement and she became the standard bearer for contemporary feminism?” the avowed feminist tries to steer the conversation immediately away from the idea of such a potential feminist leader, as if such a solution would put an end to the slaughter wrought by contemporary feminism upon the national psyche, or such a woman does not and could not, must not ever exist, or were she to arrive in such a world she would immediately be exiled by contemporary feminists everywhere. Impossible! Impossible! No! The fear that such a female standard bearer of feminism could exist is evident in even the avowed feminist’s voice. Ah yes, there it is, a clearly evident and common thread in the feminism of then and contemporary feminism.

This revelation of the avowed feminist that such a solution to police contemporary feminism by feminists themselves would be “impossible!” of course would suggest to me that all feminism is illegitimate were I not to in fact believe that there is a certain legitimacy already in feminism given its historical context and objectives.

But we are talking here of “contemporary feminism,” something men are forbidden to even ruminate upon! It is forbidden! What I am doing here, it is not allowed. Even though it involves defining the behavior more often than not of men, only women can be involved in such a definition. Who dare allow men to get involved!? All the while there is an open season advertised daily in the mass media on masculinity.

So why then don’t contemporary feminists police themselves and their behavior? What is there to lose in the legitimacy of self-control?

When I say that men, though clearly not perfect (all feminists are by default perfect you are to know, by the way), men do a pretty good job of keeping themselves in check and their latitude for what once was considered masculine behavior is increasingly diminished by feminism, along with the support of a pandering mass media whose advertisers want the female’s discretionary income. Well, the feminist suggests, that is excusable.

Contemporary feminism is a plainly evident double standard.

Contemporary feminism IS indeed uncivilized. It is uncivilized because it refuses to police itself. Feminism is not a movement any longer, it is a psychological aberration en masse. It is a derivation of collectivism, sponsored by corporatism.

Contemporary feminism is a form of mass psychological transference.

Contemporary feminism is, if one woman has a feeling about something or someone, a man perhaps, all other women must share that identical feeling and all men are equally guilty by default.

Contemporary feminism is a forced thought process. It is an offshoot of socialism. It is a communist re-education camp run and populated by one sex.

Contemporary feminism is a bestial, stampeding herd.

It is unchecked sexism in the reverse, where when men often lock each other up for such anti-social transgressions, women reward themselves.

You go girl! Or you get even. It is your duty. Let no man be safe from contemporary feminism.

Contemporary feminism is uncivilized.

Copyright © William Thien 2019

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What if all of the female hysteria over Trump isn’t about Hillary losing the election? What if it isn’t about Trump himself or anything he has said?

What if all of the female anger in America is really because he is married to a foreign woman? What if the women in America are really angry because they realize that the 1st Lady is foreign-born and it signifies the fact that the leader of the free world doesn’t buy into all of the American feminist propaganda and the female party line we have been subjected to for the last fifty years, that feminist propaganda that says that all women are mistreated in America and put upon when in fact they have just about every law and all social programs written in their favor and they still are moaning about their condition, and the fact that Trump married a foreign-born lady sounds the death knell for that nagging line of feminist crap the country has had to endure for so long and pay for so dearly with taxpayer dollars? What if that’s what all of the shrieking is about?

What if the real reason women in America are so angry at Trump is that he is married to a beautiful, mature lady who isn’t overly dramatic and falsely upset by everything he does? What if the real reason women in America are so angry at Trump is that his marriage to such a wonderful person takes the overly dramatic and whiny American feminist down a few notches? What if the real reason American women are so angry with Trump is that his marriage to such in incredible first lady delegitimizes American feminism? What if that’s the real reason women are angry at Trump and by default irrationally upset at all men in America, now?

Are we witnessing the end of American feminism?

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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Someone asked me what I thought about the outcome of the election. I presume they were nonplussed at the results and thought I could offer an explanation.

At this point I would have to say that Trump had the right message and The Clinton campaign lacked any coherent message.

Throughout the Clinton campaign when things seemed to be faltering Clinton retreated to issues that she believed would ignite the female vote and based on the larger number of female voters in this country she expected to win. As I said early on during the campaign, this was going to be an election based on gender politics and I was right.

Women in prominent office around the country were predicting a landslide in favor of Clinton just on that one area of debate, gender politics, as if gender politics were the only issue facing this country.

Yet, to me the outcome of the election suggests that even female voters believe a lot of what Clinton thought were valid female issues were in fact issues invalidated by the lack of female votes for Clinton, which did in fact happen. In other words, the issues Clinton thought were valid issues were not valid at all or at the very least they did not surpass the significance of Trump’s message and positions during the campaign.

Furthermore, I believe male voters who favored Clinton throughout the campaign grew weary of listening to the constant questioning and moaning coming from Clinton and the moderators during the debates about gender issues that seemed to be inordinately unfair and amplified only to inflame the female voter. Essentially, as a strategy it instead had a cumulatively negative result.

I believe you could in fact assign a numerical value to these issues, summing them up and posing questions to prospective voters to determine the outcome of the election in advance.

Furthermore, I don’t think any machinations by any federal agency during the campaign had anything to do with the outcome because quite possibly the entire nation was surprised at the outcome of the election, including both the Trump and Clinton campaigns.

Ultimately then I believe Clinton made a strategic error in proceeding to make the campaign about gender politics which she seemed to do at all times and Trump effectively made the campaign about structural and economic issues that face the country. He stuck to those issues and it paid off.

That is all.


Copyright © William Thien 2016

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In my opinion, Trump won the 2nd debate. While it was clear the questions and focus of the debate were on Donald Trumps “locker room talk,” nobody from the media brought up Hillary’s husband, Bill, the world class philandering, groping, and what some claim much worse, president.

If the country is prepared to vote for the woman who facilitated all of that kind of sexual misconduct, and she did facilitate it, facilitate it she did for decades no less, if the country is going to vote for her instead of some guy who was talking about women when he thought he was involved in a private conversation, well then maybe the preppers are on to something and maybe it’s time to stock up on canned goods and dig a hole in the backyard and build a zombie shelter because that’s what is going to be required to survive. No wonder the big three automakers and other large manufacturers are building all of their factories south of the border and in other parts of the world. It’s over!

Now, as I’ve stated, I don’t condone what Donald Trump has said but his plan to revitalize American Industry is much better than Hillary’s plan to tax the rich till there are no rich anymore (I support a flat tax, by the way, which is fair to everyone because everyone pays the same). Trump actually has ideas on how to fix the economy and was and has been the only one to state the problems and provide solutions.

The opposition (enemy) merely provides solutions to social issues but has no plan for the economy itself.

Hilllary doesn’t have any solution for American industry and her husband will go down in history as being the one who shut it down, went to the end of the assembly line and threw the switch by ratifying NAFTA and granting China most favored nation trading status.

Foreign automakers make as many cars if not more in The US now than US automakers!

Much of the problem though in my opinion with the debate had nothing to do with either candidate. Both looked much better than previously and I would vote for either merely on their appearance and demeanor. But much of the problem had to do with the moderators and after the second debate it is clear to me that the fix is in favor of Hillary. Has nothing to do with anything anyone said, there must be massive amounts of money changing hands. Money is in fact what all the media salivates about when they talk about the campaigns. Why? They are in a direct line to reap that cash in terms of advertising dollars, payoffs, and to be used to maintain the status quo for their advertisers.

Women control eighty percent of the discretionary income in this country, the spending money. And the media are clearly pandering to the female voter for that very reason. They can’t afford to simply state that actions (Hillary’s husband’s extra-marital affairs and Hillary’s covering for them) far outweigh the significance of Trump’s “locker room” talk. The media can’t afford to tell the truth, both sides of the story, or merely to make the distinction between talk and physical indiscretion. The media are pandering. And this goes of course to my previous commentary that the media need to be more directly regulated. They are supposed to provide both sides of the story but that clearly is not happening. FCC licenses should be revoked in that case.

Trump won the debate. Hillary looked good and for the first time I think she could do the job and do it well. But my vote still goes to Trump. He has the plan. She has the bully pulpit and has used it merely to cry about what amounts to nothing more than talk.

It’s rigged. The media is the facilitator.

Maybe the preppers are on to something.

Copyright © William Thien 2016

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Wow, Donald you have to watch what you say!

With all of the important issues that need to be addressed during this election to me what is most disappointing about this election is that it has focused primarily on an old, antiquated notion of femininity, one of perfection and purity of character, a notion which was redefined by women/feminists themselves in the sixties and seventies as “equal to men in every way,” not requiring any special treatment. Supposedly.

Yet, now all of the feminists are screaming about Donald Trump’s treatment of women as if we were living during a time prior to the sixties and seventies when it was almost required to hold the door for a lady and push in her chair. Women were treated with deference and respect as if they were better than men. And in my opinion, women are, and should be. But once again they are trying very hard to prove me wrong.

What is obvious now by all of the screeching and moaning coming from such types as Elizabeth Warren is that the women in this campaign are really frustrated not so much with what Donald Trump is saying about women but that they can’t have it both ways. They can’t be treated with deference and respect but then step into the pit of modern American political campaigning and leave unscathed, their expensive makeup jobs smudged, their colorful yet militant dresses and $10,000 pantsuits paid for by foreign donations and astronomically expensive special interest speeches ruffled.

Unless women want to return to a time before their latest and most dramatic feminist transformation during the sixties and seventies supposedly making them equal to men in every way, most of the things Trump has said about women, often he believed in confidence, are in my opinion non-issues. I say “most of the things” he said because public discourse requires some decorum and I do not condone everything he has said.

But women wanted equality. Women forced it upon the American public with demonstrations and withholding. Women burned their bras and threw away the dresses. Women wanted to play professional football and swear and chew tobacco and spit. What men said didn’t matter but now suddenly it does once again. Women started basketball and hockey teams. Women sought jobs in construction. Women wanted to be police officers and Army soldiers (Something I support, by the way). Women defined the so-called glass ceiling. Women pushed for Title IX.

Now more than ever for women it’s time to play ball instead of crying for a foul each and every time the opposition scores against you.

It could be said that the extensive and often false and unrealistic social boundaries created by feminism also created the conditions for somebody like Donald Trump to enter the race.

So, until you play by the rules of the game you yourselves have redefined over the last sixty years you are not getting my vote. That’s all there is to it. As much as I don’t like it, you leave me no choice.

And one other thing, when I see you on the television, I will turn it off. When I hear you on the radio, I will turn it off. When I see you on the internet, I will turn it off. Others I know will do the same and they will tell others they know and they will tell others to do the same.

You are just a bunch of haters and it shows.

Copyright © William Thien 2016

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I turned off the Hillary acceptance speech the other night after hearing Hillary talk about Donald Trump, calling him a “small man” and “little man” then segwaying right to the subject of guns. Immediately. First thing I thought of was Sigmund Freud and it occurred to me what this election is really all about for Hillary and many of those that follow her and it has nothing to do with guns.

Hillary is what the millennials call “a hater.”

Copyright © William Thien 2016

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You almost have to feel sorry for a guy like Bernie Sanders. Yesterday he surrendered what may very well have been the nomination of The Democratic Party for president after having been clearly and publicly duped by the party to which he swore allegiance in order to achieve what he had, and he surrendered without a fight to those who betrayed him. In doing so he demonstrated that his followers should “surrender” with him. Oh, yes, that’s what he is suggesting, there can be no question. ‘You too must all surrender.’ Surrender with me, he said in so many words, surrender to the party that misled you until it could no longer afford to do so.

Don’t surrender with Bernie.

Copyright © William Thien 2016

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It’s unanimous! The votes are in. The winner of the Republican debate was Hillary and she wasn’t even on the stage.

As much as conservatives want to hear substantive issues debated, what many have forgotten is that this next presidential election is not going to be about the issues, with Hillary on the ballot the election is a referendum on feminism, plain and simple.

Women want to see a woman as president. They have for a long time and even more so women want to see as president the female victim of a philandering husband president. And who can blame them? It’s a double whammy.

To ignore that fact will certainly lead to failure for conservatives at the ballot box. To ignore the fact that people vote without emotion is political ignorance. This isn’t an election about issues anymore. With Hillary in the race this upcoming presidential election is about gender politics.

Even if the media are going to be petty to achieve ratings or pander to the female voter because women control eighty percent of the discretionary income in this country conservatives, men and women alike, must remain focused on the “real” issues.

Stay the course and don’t take the bait. Don’t take it!

Copyright © William Thien 2015

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In the past I wrote an essay, What Is It Going to Be, Equality or Diversity? You Can’t Have it Both Ways!

The terms equality and diversity indicate complete opposites of existence and are in my experience offensive tools rather than any measure of social equalization. “Equalization” is often not the ultimate goal.

To me what is crucial in the observation is that “equality” is frequently being used by one portion of society, women against men, one race against another, offensively rather than as a measure of equalization.

Equality and diversity are frequently terms used by larger social masses as a method of retribution rather than equalization. That is then just an en masse form of reverse discrimination. And as I’ve also written prior to this, reverse discrimination is just plain old discrimination. Simply because it is discrimination in the reverse doesn’t mean it is excusable. If we are all equal, if by laws we are now made to all be equal, then if you discriminate against me, that is not reverse discrimination, it is simply discrimination. Do you get it? I realize it is a difficult concept, even though it is so obviously simple.

I bring this up again because in reading the front page of the local newspaper today I noticed some picket signs in the large picture of the woman’s march in Washington D.C. protesting Donald Trump’s inauguration.

There were some very toothy slogans on those signs and clearly women in general haven’t risen above the circumstances. The women marching, not all women in this country of course, want to get down in the dirt it would appear.

So what does equality or diversity have to do with Trump’s inauguration? Once you are down there in the dirt, the rules change ladies. Didn’t you know that? You can’t chant nasty, barroom slogans and then expect to be treated like a lady. That’s just one incredibly “duh” moment I noticed in the pickets in the picture of the women marching.

The most significant realization I had, though, was in reading one picket that said “We are all Equal” and then seeing several protesters back in the crowd another picket that read, “Diversity is out Strength!”

Hold it. I’m confused. Are we diverse or are we all equal? We will use diversity in our defense when are accused of treating someone inequitably or will we seek equality when we feel we are being treated unequally? Ah yes, there is that massive distinction between the two terms used in such an a obvious yet subtle sense that it makes me wonder if those using them even know what they are saying.

This goes in particular to my statements in the past that feminism is a double standard forcing equality on the country but then limping off the stage when the going gets rough, taking the game into the dirt and then crying foul when getting dirt on your faces and ruffling your social frills.

Clearly what most of what the march was about was what one guy, now President of The United States, said to another in a situation of confidence that was betrayed.

You can’t hold a guy to the fire for that. And the language isn’t any different from what you can read in the picket signs of many of the women in the march protesting Trump’s inauguration.

If women really feel mistreated by such language, then women should stop using such language themselves, stop the baiting at work and in public, put an end to the false accusations, stop taking the game in the dirt and then crying foul when things get muddy.

Because if the campaign and the election are any indication of how things are going to get when things get down in the dirt for the next four years, there is a good chance that things are going to get muddy, too quite muddy indeed.

Copyright © William Thien 2015

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William Thien

I was around during the sixties and seventies when the great social rights movements in the country were aimed at instituting “equality.” It almost made sense. Everything was done to ensure equality and that movement carried on until recently.

Lately, everything has been about something else entirely. Realizing that the public doesn’t buy the “equality” argument anymore, that “equality” is frequently being used by one portion of society offensively against another rather than as a measure of equalization, and with the public finally concluding that nobody is really truly “equal,” they’ve changed their tune hoping to carry on with the so-called reforms.

Now, the catchall isn’t “equality” anymore, it is “diversity.” Instead of insuring equality, we are supposed to “Celebrate Diversity.”

Well, what is it? Is it “Equality” or is it “Diversity? Are we all the same or are we all different?

What’s it going to be? Because you can’t…

View original post 80 more words

Here is an interesting study on domestic violence that I wanted you to read. Click here, Male Victims of Domestic Violence, or copy this link into your address field, http://www.saveservices.org/2012/02/cdc-study-more-men-than-women-victims-of-partner-abuse/

To me this information is significant because it supports my position that domestic violence laws discriminate against men. It turns out women are frequently not the statistical majority when it comes to domestic violence and related victimization. On an annual basis, men frequently comprise the statistical majority of victims. Yet, all of the laws governing domestic violence are primarily aimed at curbing historically male behaviors. After hearing in the media about the subject of domestic violence on any given day, you would think the statistical majority of victims of domestic violence would be female. As it turns out, that is not the case.

Go figure.

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