William Thien

Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

I know what to tell people wishing to emigrate to the United States to get them to reconsider. Tell them that coming here isn’t all that difficult, that The United States provides excellent resources to those that are allowed in, even to illegals that ultimately disappear into the population, never to be found again. The United States provides excellent benefits. That’s not the problem.

The problem is that once you are here and become a citizen or achieve some form of citizenship status and begin working, you are no longer eligible for most of those wonderful services unless you are a member of a protected class. Once you are here, you become essentially a second-class citizen, and the country no longer bends over backwards to provide support to those in need, only to the new arrivals, unless again you are part of a “protected class” as defined by the law, which lets states and The Federal Government begin dishing out tax payers dollars.

Do you see where I am going with this?

The wonderful social safety network is the primary reason many come here. Those social systems are non-present in most of the countries that immigrants arrive from, almost all of them in fact. You rarely hear of new arrivals coming from wealthy western industrial nations that have such well-established social safety networks. Arrivals almost always arrive from the third world or our southern neighbors where such government programs do not exist. It is in fact today one of the primary reasons most come here, our social safety net, which begins dishing out funds to those it defines as “needy,” never mind the needs of our own citizens.

Once you are here, most of the services provided that make coming to The United States for so many so attractive, those services begin to evaporate rather quickly, due to the law and the structure of that social safety net.

Once you are here though, once you begin providing income, the country begins feeding upon you. Once you are here the country begins taxing you rather thoroughly and those benefits that you begin to pay for, which when you examine how much comes out of your check indicate that they are rather costly, those costly benefits begin to become rapidly out of reach. The country often puts the needs of new arrivals substantially above those of its historical citizenry. You progressively begin to pay more based on the “progressive” tax code while simultaneously you begin to receive less in return from the government.

For those of us that have been here already, for generations perhaps, generations that arrived when the social safety net wasn’t so “evolved,” if you want to call it that (ahem), we have never benefited from any government assistance in the form government checks or cyclical payments. Not once. Ever. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

It is a substantial financial insult to those of us that are already here who have generationally received nothing or very little but have been paying for this rapidly burgeoning system of social welfare that appeals in a sense to the immigrant to come here, unwittingly perhaps of what is in store for them once here and beginning to get established and to produce income.

It is a sort of “misery loves company” form of immigration system and social safety net.

So, maybe we should just toss flyers into the countrysides of the countries where most of the immigrants are originating. Put up posters and make cheap one page web sites everywhere and explain what is in store for them.

Call it the “Just so you know,” campaign perhaps.

Tell them that before they come here, there is something they need to know and tell them what that is, what I have just described. Maybe that will help reduce the crisis at the border. Because whatever we are doing now, it is having the opposite effect and, well it just ain’t working, as they say.

Maybe that will help reduce the crisis at the border. At the very least, it may provide some relief to those of us that are already here and that have been for quite some time.

Copyright © William Thien 2023

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Though many of us are not satisfied with the way Congress is dealing with the problem of illegal immigration in The US, we must not neglect to recognize that the current administration through executive order has in fact made substantial progress curbing illegal entry in to The United States, which is a start and which also demonstrates sound judgement on the matter.

The only way to continue with that progress is to reward the elected at the ballot box and to make sure your elected know they will fail to receive your vote if they refuse to support legislation written to end illegal immigration.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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I recall late one afternoon returning along the footpath from Tijuana, Mexico to San Diego. We were on leave. A rush of people lurched suddenly across the footpath in front of us. There were maybe forty people, perhaps more. They had crawled through a large car-sized hole made in the fortified hurricane fencing that was the perimeter of the border, raced across the footpath, and through another hole in the fence on the American side. Then, hunched down as if to escape detection they dispersed in a matter of seconds among the cars in a large parking lot and were gone, free to move about as they like, now in America.

A few moments later a border patrol helicopter hovered in with a floodlight swirling around the cars in the parking lot and then it too vanished, discovering nobody.

That was in 1994, twenty-three years ago.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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Most white Americans want nothing to do with any racist or fascist organization but often such organizations are the only organizations publicly enumerating white grievance in The US, where the government and the media often falsely place historical guilt upon white Americans to increase tax levies upon the middle classes, for all manner of social programs, many of which whites pay for but benefit from very little.

While white Americans also comprise a relatively stable number in population, minorities that benefit from such social programs are increasing in size, some of them dramatically, at rates unprecedented in American history.

So, while America’s population of whites remains relatively the same, the tax burden to pay for such social programs and the use AND ABUSE of such social programs is increasing dramatically, correspondingly increasing the burden upon white Americans whose population stays relatively the same.

Attempts by white Americans to organize and enumerate their grievances publicly have been met with 1st Amendment transgressions by municipal leadership or pandering to violent reactionaries in such cities as Berkeley and Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Any attempts by white Americans to organize in the public square are now met almost automatically with false and slanderous calls of fascism and racism by the media and municipal governments as well as the threat of violence from reactionaries.

Unless there is change there will come a day when white America will no longer stand for it.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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Most white Americans want nothing to do with any racist or fascist organization but often such organizations are the only organizations publicly enumerating white grievance in The US, where the government and the media often falsely place historical guilt upon white Americans to increase tax levies upon the middle classes, for all manner of social programs, many of which whites pay for but benefit from very little.

While white Americans also comprise a relatively stable number in population, minorities that benefit from such social programs are increasing in size, some of them dramatically, at rates unprecedented in American history.

So, while America’s population of whites remains relatively the same, the tax burden to pay for such social programs and the use AND ABUSE of such social programs is increasing dramatically, correspondingly increasing the burden upon white Americans whose population stays relatively the same.

Attempts by white Americans to organize and enumerate their grievances publicly have been met with 1st Amendment transgressions by municipal leadership or pandering to violent reactionaries in such cities as Berkeley and Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Any attempts by white Americans to organize in the public square are now met almost automatically with false and slanderous calls of fascism and racism by the media and municipal governments as well as the threat of violence from reactionaries.

Unless there is change there will come a day when white America will no longer stand for it.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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During a conversation with someone on the subject of DACA the person tried to convince me that there was a “humanistic” element to DACA and that sending DACA recipients back to their country of origin was somewhat, not completely, but somewhat inhumane. That may be true to a certain extent, I do not disagree. But that line is a line the media and DACA supporters have been running and it totally ignores the “inhumane” element of making Americans pay for it all.

The person I was speaking with, unlike myself, was clearly on the fence about DACA, which many people are.

The conversation meandered a bit as most conversations do (this wasn’t a scripted political speech or anything) and I suggested to the person while talking about a completely different subject that she should run for office, that she is well spoken and would make a good representative for her aldermanic district.

She replied resolutely with, “I wouldn’t stand a chance.” I disagreed and then asked why? Her response was, “well, this is a mainly Hispanic district and they only vote for Hispanics.”

I don’t need to tell you what happened next. I kind of emphasized it a bit by not immediately replying to her last statement. But her last statement, that Hispanics don’t vote for white females, which is what she is, a white female, was followed by a LONG DRAMATIC PAUSE!

To me this somewhat accidental arrival at a conclusion about why NOT to support DACA was so blatantly obvious that I admit I was a bit surprised she didn’t make the connection. But she didn’t at first. I had to help her realize the significance of what she had just said by bringing the conversation back to that of the subject of DACA.

“So,” I said something to this effect. “You want to support DACA because it has a “humanistic” element to it but you won’t run for office in your aldermanic district,” something which she is entirely capable of, “because Hispanics don’t vote for people like you.”

This observation of mine was followed by another LONG DRAMATIC PAUSE!

Wow, I thought to myself. There really is something to the blind ignorance of bleeding-heart liberalism, a condition I once long ago thought was completely a figment of the conservative political imagination. But there it was in what I would say was one of its purest, most unadulterated forms.

The person, whom I have a lot of respect for, realizing the significance of her most recent statement, that Hispanics don’t vote for white females, attempted to squirm out of the obvious conclusion that maybe supporting DACA isn’t such a good idea, particularly for white females. So I reminded her of the significance of supporting a program which eventually will make her political voice completely mute, which it will, as if in her own aldermanic district her voice isn’t already completely silenced.

“How’s that for a “humanistic” approach,” I asked?

She didn’t say it but the tone of her voice had changed and you could hear it there. The tone of her voice said, “OK, I get it.”

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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One of the more disturbing observations that came to my mind this week during the DACA protests is that DACA recipients, illegal immigrants, people who don’t have 1st Amendment rights or the right to assemble are marching all over the country in protest of the administration’s position on the law while white Americans of just about any political persuasion, as long as they identify as “white Americans” are now unable to assemble or publicly attempt to redress their grievances with the direction the country is heading.

The media along with fearful municipal governments who are afraid of riots initiated by counter protesters are now refusing free speech permits and branding gatherings of white Americans as racist or fascist long before their appearance.

With the aid of the mainstream media, people who are not even citizens of the United States have been given more latitude to address their grievances in a public square than citizens of The United States.

That’s just plain wrong.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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The liberal media pundits were at it again today talking about how cruel it would be to the children of undocumented immigrants to repeal DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).

How “cruel?” Perhaps it seems cruel, but the pundits seem also to have forgotten someone, namely Americans.

How about how cruel it is to the children of this country to bring in foreign workers who will work under the table, not pay taxes on that employment, nor will their employers pay payroll taxes, with the gross effect of undermining all of the tax revenue going to pay student loans and education grants for American children, all of the revenue to pay for public education, you name it? Just how cruel would that be to the children of America and the American taxpayer? Now that truly IS cruel.

Not only is that cruel, it’s insane policy.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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Today while watching Face the Nation the point came up that the current administration’s deportation and immigration policies were resulting in the deportation of “good hombres,” and not just “bad hombres.”

The object of that discussion and others I’ve heard like it is in my opinion to change the subject from the original reason for the aggressive implementation of border policy in the first place.

Please see note following this observation. I’ve tried to come up with a solution to this problem of immigration from countries at close proximity to the United States for some time as other have as well.

Americans want stricter immigration policy not so much to get rid of the “bad hombres,” which is of course significant in and of itself, but to prevent the undermining of the American middle classes and working people.

It’s not just bad hombres that have undermined the working classes in America, it is immigrants of all types, good hombres too that are coming to America in huge numbers and willing to work for pennies on the dollar under the table while at the same time there has been no enforcement of immigration policy of any measure coming from previous administrations for decades. There has been little or no enforcement of immigration policy even though the tax payer has been paying for it to the tune of many billions of dollars a year.

The result has been lower wages for the American worker and fewer jobs. Large corporations have applied for H-1B visas to replace their American workers and those same corporations are giving their American employees severance packages predicated on the fact that the American workers have to train their foreign H-1B visa workers who replace them. In other words, if you don’t train your foreign replacements, you don’t get your severance package. AND CONGRESS HAS BEEN THE ENABLER ALL ALONG!

Immigrants are coming here and taking American jobs and huge US-based multi-national corporations have lobbied congress to be allowed to take American jobs south of the border through the implementation of NAFTA. It’s an untenable situation for the American worker.

The American working classes are at a point where if something isn’t done about it, the middle classes will finally collapse under debt load and the lack of opportunity that the influx of immigrants, illegal or otherwise, coupled with NAFTA creates. Everyone knows this. Congress knows this. The current administration knows this. And the voter who elected Trump is keenly aware.

I don’t know anyone that wanted things to turn out this way but let’s not change the subject. Everyone in the country knew this day would come. It’s not what side of the tracks you live on or where you live, it’s not what car you drive, it is simply about citizenship and the right to work in The United States and it’s a totally valid position to take.

From what I can tell what the voter is saying, what the American worker is saying is that America has come to the point where regardless of whether they are good hombres, bad hombres, or whatever kind of hombres they are, if they aren’t “American hombres,” they have to go and that’s all there is to it.

Copyright © William Thien 2017

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Note: See my writings in the past about forming The North American Union, not unlike The European Union, a possible solution to the problems we are facing today. With NAFTA in place we already have the economic framework. Of course the problem with that is like Germany and other more industrial European countries, The United States would probably find itself bailing out other countries such as Mexico and those further south. So, it probably wouldn’t work just as The EU seems to be fracturing but that doesn’t mean there might not be some possible solution or alternative.





Executive amnesty is not about being nice to people who are not citizens but that reside in our country illegally and then granting them citizenship. Executive amnesty is about votes (because you can’t vote unless you are a citizen). Executive amnesty is about votes for Democratic Party candidates, regardless of what it does to the current citizens of The United States.

Executive amnesty is symptomatic of a plague of “party politics” upon America.

Copyright © William Thien 2016

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