William Thien

Posts Tagged ‘abortion

It is my opinion that those policies instituted by The Catholic Church and certain so-called conservative elements of a particular political party outlawing abortion and birth control, such as any religious edicts of which we are all aware, are contrary to the social and economic health and well-being of The United States, because those same religious institutions and so-called conservative elements of society do not also provide the necessary corresponding financial support for the result of those policies and instead said institutions and the aforementioned so-called conservative elements of society attempt to relieve themselves through the tax code of financial responsibility for the resultant progeny and/or are unable to care for them and as a result are no different from “deadbeat dads.” Hereon in I shall refer to any such policies and positions as “deadbeat dad” policy.

Copyright © William Thien 2014

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Outlawing abortion is the fastest way to increase the size of government, the unproductive portion of government, that portion of government that does not provide any services such as water services, policing of the streets, military, road construction, what have you. Outlawing abortion will only increase that portion of the government that is in charge of providing handouts to the women forced to carry the pregnancy to term because abortion was made illegal and now the women have to fall back on government services because they can’t afford to raise the child on their own.

Copyright © William Thien 2013

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One of the big debates going on at the state level in many states right now involves the decision to legalize “same-SEX marriage.” One side thinks legalization of “same-SEX marriage” is only fair for those who choose an alternative lifestyle and the other says it is immoral or against religious values. Then of course there are those who really had no opinion on the matter, which is where I resided until something occurred to me.

If you read my essays and observations regularly or have signed up to receive my updates, you will have concluded by now that I am a conservative, more conservative than that political party which often attempts to ally itself with conservative measure but is frequently no more conservative than the other side of the aisle in the comparison of many nowadays. Many conservatives believe that same-sex marriage should not be legal. That is not my sentiment, even though many believe my political or belief system falls within the realm of “true conservatism.”

Instead, I approach the subject of “same-SEX marriage” from the same perspective as I approach that of abortion, which I believe as a “true conservative” should be legal. “What?” You inquire? “How can that be, “same-sex marriage” and abortion are not even closely related?” Well, it is not that they are closely related, which as you will see later that they are in a way very closely related, it is that I view “same-SEX marriage” and abortion using the same method I use to view whether or not I believe as a “true conservative” that abortion should be legal, something many in the conservative hall are opposed to with vigor.

I believe that abortion should be legal because a woman can’t raise a child on her own unless she is independently wealthy or has government support, with government support being money from taxpayers, which by default means larger government and more taxes, something to which a “true conservative” is opposed, particularly now when taxes are approaching all time high levels and more people receive government entitlements than ever before.

“OK, so you are for legal abortion because you believe it helps to keep the size of government in check, what’s that have to do with “same-SEX marriage?”” You are asking.

Well, instead of approaching the subject of same-sex marriage from the perspective of whether it is a moral issue, I believe we should apply a certain approach to the subject that merely asks the question, “Will “same-SEX marriage” raise taxes for the taxpayer?” If the legalization of same-sex marriage results in an increase in taxes to the taxpayer, then perhaps it should be reconsidered. But if the legalization of same-sex marriage will result in a decrease in taxes, then perhaps it should be considered. You see, like abortion, you have to examine the behavior. The two, “same-SEX marriage” and abortion are indeed very closely related because they involve the subject of “SEX” and the product of “SEX!” In the case of “same-SEX marriage,” the subject of discussion is the subject of “SEX,” sex by people of the same “SEX!” And if legalization of “same-SEX marriage” results in an increase in taxes to pay for the legalization of a type of sexual activity, or “SEX,” then by the definition of any conservative, not just a “true conservative,” it should probably not be considered for legalization. Just like abortion, which deals with the result of “SEX,” or a fetus, “same-SEX marriage” deals with the subject of “SEX!” And in America we are already dealing with the substantial cost of “SEX” from unwed pregnancies at an alarming rate. Just in 2011 forty-one percent of children born were born to out-of-wedlock mothers who almost all certainly obtained a substantial amount of support from the taxpayer to enable such sexual inequity.

It is by the same method then that I believe we should approach the subject of “same-SEX marriage” as that of outlawing abortion, asking the question, how will it affect the burden of taxation upon the taxpayer? If legalization of same-sex marriage increases taxes for the taxpayers, then perhaps it should not be legalized as it is believed that outlawing abortion would increase taxes, substantially.

I think this same method, asking the question, “What burden will it place upon the taxpayer?” should be applied to all such similar circumstances, particularly those involving sexual behaviors. They are consensual behaviors generally and don’t harm anyone until they become issues which affect taxation when then they directly impact the taxpayer. I think the method I discuss here is an excellent way to deal with the political morality play, the political theater and misrepresentation that goes on with such matters of consensual behavior. And though I recognize the biblical origin and position of religious leadership on the matter of “same-SEX marriage,” I don’t think it is as much of a religious matter as it is an economic issue.


Because it is time American taxpayers should be free from having to pay for others to have sex on a bed made of taxpayers’ dollars.

Copyright © William Thien 2013

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In listening to a recent on-air discussion about benefits obtained by an out-of-wedlock mother where I reside, it was revealed that she receives $46,000 in benefits if she has one child, benefits including Rent Assistance, Food Stamps (The Quest Card where I reside), Medicaid, Child Care benefits, Women Infants & Children (AKA (WIC), financial payments for food for children), and a number of other benefits, all made available at one time during a visit with a social worker. All she has to do is get pregnant. No wonder forty-one percent (yeah, that’s right, 41%) of the children born in 2011 were born to single mothers. It’s almost lucrative. She doesn’t have to do anything except have sex!

Copyright © William Thien 2013

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Here is an interesting if not discomforting statistic. Forty-one percent of all children born in 2011 were born to unwed mothers in The United States. That’s nearly half of all children born in 2011! That number signifies big government by definition as single mothers en masse simply cannot all pay for all of the medical expenses associated with bearing a child nor can they afford to pay for the daycare (daycare is expensive) associated with raising a child after they return to work, if in fact they are working. Somebody has to pick up the tab for the result of all of that illicit sex. The cost of so many pregnancies to unwed mothers is a tremendous burden to the taxpayer.

For more information see BIRTHS TO UNMARRIED WOMEN.

I have said it before, Down with The F&#k and Suck Economy!

Copyright © William Thien 2013

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Twice now I’ve written on Republicans and how their position against abortion and birth control is diametrically opposed to that of a “True Conservative.”

I concluded that if Republicans were truly for smaller government they would not argue against abortion and birth control because a single woman more often that not is unable to raise a child on her own from birth. Consequently she often falls back on government support which by definition means larger government. Therefor if you make it illegal for a woman to have an abortion or to use birth control then she will have to have the child whether she can afford to raise it on her own or not and the public will end up financing her indiscretions.

I add that I am the only one who has publicly taken that stance on the matter from the very beginning.

I wanted to add that following the Roe v. Wade decision which determined that an abortion should be legal under the right to privacy clause, crime went down significantly over the following years. In other words, the legalization of abortion also had a definite effect on decreasing crime in The United States.

So, if Republicans who claim to be true conservatives want to see smaller government they would not work so hard to see abortion made illegal once again and birth control difficult to obtain. It is as simple as that.

I ask, what person in their right mind would want to increase crime in The United States and increase the size of government making it more expensive? Because that is exactly what will happen if you outlaw abortion again. The Republican position on the matter is untenable.

We see commercials now on television stating the obvious, that “an abortion stops a beating heart.” There are billboards up from time to time showing aborted fetuses. And anti-abortionists seem to think that people, women in particular don’t agonize over their decision to have an abortion. Perhaps the anti-abortion crowd funding would be better spent on teaching teenagers and young adults the risks of having sex, such as GETTING PREGNANT!

Sometimes I wonder. People are going to have sex. When people have sex, women often get pregnant. That’s how that works. Should we outlaw sex?

The Republicans have a lot of positions I agree with but if they maintain their stance as a party against abortion they are not by definition “True Conservatives.”

Because there is just one thing Republicans seem to forget about time and time again about men and women, they forget about human behavior.

Copyright © William Thien 2012

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Several people have approached me today and asked why I was pointing out the fact that Republicans are missing the point on abortion and birth control? It goes against party politics it was suggested to disagree with such a major issue.

My response is this, throughout history mankind has concluded that before societies can take care of matters outside of their own affairs, they must first take care of their own realm, so to speak.

I see this matter as exactly that, a position which is primarily undoing the Republican Party and conservatism in general and which needs to be addressed directly, as it undermines a woman’s individual rights, with individual rights being primary to the foundation of The Republican Party and one of if not “the” primary characteristics of conservatism.

Since women vote, they should be accommodated in such regard as their own bodies. Otherwise, such a position will be to the continued peril of The Republican Party which likes to call itself “conservative,” a sanction which I believe a political party must earn, or at least maintain, and in said case which if examined thoroughly, one would see large increases in the size of government coming from Republican Administrations, which traditionally have claimed to be the harbinger of “small government.” In fact, “I am for smaller government” is a sort of mantra of The Republican Party whether it is contrary to what is actually accomplished.

If Republicans say abortion and birth control are illegal and it results in a large increase in unwed mothers seeking government assistance, which of course consequently drives up taxes, I believe then that Republicans disqualify themselves as “true conservatives” because their positions on birth control and abortion directly increase the size of government, dramatically, which is of course contrary to the policies of true conservatism.

That is all.

Carry on.

Copyright 2012 William Thien

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One of my first essays on this site was titled “Abortion and The True Conservative.” I discussed the position of a true conservative and how true conservatives view the subject of abortion. Essentially, since a true conservative believes in smaller government, a true conservative will not stand in the way of a woman who wants to have control over her own body and would let her either choose to have an abortion or to utilize birth control.

Why? Because most women are not able to support a child on their own. If they are not married or have no means to support the new baby and keep themselves fed, they more often than not will need to fall back on some sort of government program (AFDC, Food Stamps, WIC to name a few programs here in the midwest available to unwed mothers) in order to support their new family. That means more government by definition. A true conservative is for less government by definition. The more women unable to support themselves and their children, the more government will be needed to address the circumstances. Prevention of birth control or outlawing abortion means bigger government and is contrary to the position of a “true conservative.” It is as simple as that.

Why? It is human nature. Birth control is a way to insure that unwanted pregnancies don’t end up on the public dole. And when unwanted pregnancies don’t end up on the public dole, government stays smaller and less expensive, which means lower taxes. Again, the matter is quite simple.

If you tell a woman she can not have an abortion, if you outlaw abortion, it is only ethical, if you are taking the position that abortion is “murder,” it is only ethical then that you will have to provide a means to support her and the child which you have forced her to have. Would you have her living in the streets with the child? The same goes if you outlaw birth control.

Now, those Republicans who call themselves “conservatives” in my opinion are doing no one any favors by siding with faith only on the matter. It is merely a feint to obtain more votes from “the religious right,” whose heart may be in “the right” place, but how often have good intentions led to disastrous consequences, in this case massive populations of people born and raised on a system which essentially enslaves the middle classes to the tax system needed to perpetuate such sexual behavior? Is it not more of a crime to enslave entire classes of people to a burdensome system of taxes to pay for such sexual behavior than it is to allow birth control? Do I even need to even ask?

Furthermore, if we examine the residual math of the circumstances, it is much less expensive to society in terms of taxes to allow birth control and abortion than it is to outlaw them both and have massive tax expenditures to pay for what is most likely a sexual indiscretion, or worse, a decided attempt to raise a family on the public dollar. So the math is quite clear. It is just that nobody has been doing the math. That’s all. It has been policy entirely through emotion, taxing, costly, economically stifling policy.

No, those Republicans who are siding with the anti-birth control crowd and the anti-abortion crowd are not doing the Republican party or conservatives any favors and are in fact driving the female vote away from the party to more liberal positions which believe abortion should be legal and birth control should be allowed. Because like a wedge, what your teacher taught you was a “simple machine,” such anti-abortion positions and anti-birth control values are driving the female vote away from The Republican Party which is telling them they should not be able to decide what they can do with their own bodies.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the biggest mistakes The Republicans or conservatives in general can make, particularly at a time like this.

The Republican Party can no longer call themselves “conservatives” in name or definition while holding such nonsensical positions which are contrary to conservatism and that dramatically increase the size of government.

Copyright © William Thien 2012

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There is “The Economy” and then there are economies within economies. One of the economies within the economy is what I call “The Fuck and Suck Economy.” It is the economy that rewards people for illicit sexual behavior. Let’s read about it together.

Repeat after me. Down with the woman having children out of wedlock and enslaving us all with more taxes to let the children suckle at the public tit so she can get a government check. Down with the bitch of a man who fathered the children and wandered away. Down with the feminist that says such behavior is OK in order to perpetuate the false image that women can always be independent.

Down with them. Down with them all.

Down with the landlord who profits thoroughly from the situation by receiving a government rent assistance check. Down with the communist who believes such behavior is acceptable and down with the social worker who campaigns for the candidate that perpetuates the behavior in order to get re-elected.

Down with them. Down with them all.

Down with the media that fertilizes such behavior in order to boost its ratings and its circulation. Down with the corporation that profits from the arrangement and walks away without paying taxes. Down with the government worker that serves such an arrangement and does not speak out against it.

Down with them. Down with them all.

Down with the Right to Lifer who says a woman can’t have an abortion but will not pay to raise the spawn of an illicit night. Down with the woman who can’t keep her legs together when she knows she can’t afford to raise a child on her own. Down with the liberal that says such behavior must be protected, and down with the God that prohibits birth control and leaves the child in the street.

Down with the Fuck and Suck Economy.

Down with them. Down with them all.

Copyright © William Thien 2011, 2012

Much of the debate recently concerning birth control and religious organizations may in fact lead the formation of a position to attack the ultimate issue of abortion due to abortion’s single issue value during elections. Liberal politicians fear the issue of abortion like no other and some wholly religious conservatives may have decided that to go about seeing abortion made illegal again requires logical preparation, so to speak.

Another issue which could throw the election is that of entitlements. I heard recently that there are now more people in The United States receiving some form of government disbursement than there are paying into the system of disbursements. In other words, there are more people getting a “government check” than there are paying into the system giving the money away. That is of course financially untenable and it is not just a “Tea Party” issue. Everyone I mentioned the statistic to said they were not surprised and wanted to know when “somebody” was going to do something about it. When I said “somebody” isn’t going to do anything about it because it is the promise of the government check that “somebody” uses to get themselves re-elected, whomever and wherever that somebody governs in The United States, the general response was of course what was to be expected.

Another single issue which hasn’t received any debate is that of a national medical marijuana law, yet there was a story on network news yesterday about how doctors have been manipulated by drug companies to essentially “push” painkillers to the extent that it is believed many more people are addicted to painkillers today than would be were they prescribed under normal circumstances. Not much coverage on the benefits of medical marijuana vs. chemical painkillers, but what do you expect from the news syndicates who receive huge suns of money from drug companies. Perhaps if medical marijuana advocates want to see a national law on the matter they should start paying off the media as well with massive campaigns.

What do you think is the next big single issue?

Copyright © William Thien 2011
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